

Responses from larsman

Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
@cd318 - I wouldn't negate the nostalgia factor; there's still a lot of older people around, and most of them are not going to be listening to much of anything newer than the 70's or 80's. You can see that on a lot of forums....   
Creem Magazine is Back!
Who will be the new Lester Bangs???   
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
@deadhead1000 + 1  
Analog vs. digital
@deludedaudiophile - I can see why that guy so looking forward to brain implants.   
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One
The soundtracks by John Barry to the earlier James Bond movies were excellent, especially 'Goldfinger'....  
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
Personally, I couldn't care less if some muso is a virtuoso or not - all I care about is they play well enough to serve the song. If they can't write good songs, they're worthless to me. If I never hear another drum solo/bass solo again, I'll be v... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
@cd318 - I'm sorry to hear about Mike; I know how horrible losing your best friend is.  Interesting that you tried to learn guitar and got as far as 'Jingle Bells' - I tried guitar and bass, but my hands just don't want to deal with fretted instr... 
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
As Bob Seger would say, the music today just doesn't have the same old soul.  Bob Seger did say it, and he said it about 70's music, as that's when he put that out. Was he talking about his own 'today's music', too, or did he just mean everybod... 
How Audiphiles are Different
@secretguy - did you come out of the womb playing an instrument? 🤣 If not, think back - you might remember why it makes sense for non-musicians to listen to music and why what they think about what they're listening to is every bit as valid as wh... 
Analog vs. digital
@deludedaudiophile + 1  
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
@cd318 - I'm 70 years old, and when it comes to music, I'm indie and post-punk kid all the way, with a good dose of reggae and metal - age ain't nuthin' but a number! I remember when those bands you mention were really popular in the early 90's; I... 
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
@rrm - how is it compared to Kris Kristofferson's original?   
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One
I dunno if there's such a thing as 'best', but my favorite is the soundtrack to Twin Peaks, with music by Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch...   
New equipment
@charles1dad - indeed! There were a lot of question marks, and I was providing my thoughts on the subject in answer.  And as most of the music I listen to is rock music and I live in an apartment, nothing is going to make me forget that Metallica... 
E-bay and its sellers
@thecarpathian - 🤣   But it's still silly that they NAP standing up!