

Responses from larsman

A perfect song? What are your choices?
@mitchagain - That's Alan Parker, not Alan Holdsworth....   
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Roger Waters' 'Amused to Death' is an obscure album? It was a legitimate release by Roger Waters, an artist who is pretty far from obscure, and sold very well.... In fact, I think it sold better than either 'Pros and Cons of Hitchiking' or 'Radio... 
Politics and Music
@tylermunns - from what I understand, Merle actually wrote that song as satire, but it was taken at face value, as too often happens with satire....  Cause like most musicians, Merle was smoking plenty of marijuana, whether in Muskogee or anyplace... 
Politics and Music
To me, an entertainer's opinion is worth every bit as much as anybody else's, even 'some guy on the internet', which is really what people on forums ultimately are. I'd ask people who think entertainers/athletes' opinions are worthless, what it i... 
Politics and Music
@moonwatcher - It’s like Frank Zappa said of these political types of music artists, "Shut up and play yer guitar". WOW, you sure don't get FZ at all, do you????   
Keeping your components Dust Free
My apartment cleaners use a feather duster and cloth every few weeks....   
Fact or misinformation?
Horse puckey....   
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I'm perfectly happy with my Clearaudio Charisma MM cart, thank you very much....  
Wall Art
@shtinkydog and anybody else; for the time being, please do not go to the www.mypixrock.com website; it needs to be fixed. However, you can see the pictures on my Etsy shop, called MyPixRock , and that IS case-sensitive.  Thanks for your interest... 
Hot Rats
Thing is, Frank didn't like having to work with other musicians; he had to because the technology available during his time required them, and for live performances. If Frank was around today, I'd bet he'd be making his records solo using a DAW (... 
A perfect song? What are your choices?
@bdp24 - I remember that Emmitt Rhodes album - that kind of singer/songwriter stuff was very popular when I was in college in the early 70's, and it did come out around the same time as Macca's first.  Also agree that 'Starry Eyes' is a classic. ... 
Politics and Music
@onhwy61 - Good choices! But the main point of The Clash, Bob Dylan, and Gang of Four was political, as were many of these songs listed by other artists. These songs didn't need to be 'politicized' - they pretty blatantly were to begin with.   
Politics and Music
@crustycoot + 100 - excellent description of what happened. At 70 years of age and from MD, I certainly remember the Dixiecrats; Spiro Agnew got to be governor of Maryland because he ran as the liberal Republican, believe it or not; the Democrat ... 
Wall Art
@allenf1963 - I see what you mean, Allen - thanks for bringing that to my attention; I'll talk to my web people about that. Meanwhile, you should be able to see them on Etsy - just remember that it's case-sensitive, and it's MyPixRock. Thanks!   
Wall Art
BTW, if anybody wants to see my concert photos from the 70's but can't get into my Etsy shop for whatever reason, I also have my own website, www.mypixrock.com that you can see them on....