

Responses from larsman

The Smiths. The Stone Roses. James.
As somebody very much into post-punk, Britpop, etc, I am very familiar with these bands and definitely enjoy this kind of music. I don't know what they have in common with Radiohead, though, as the OP suggested, except that they're British....   
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
'Some guy on the internet'  who wrote this: We dont need "a flag to be proud of " to unite all those who, like larsman because they never had any musical education and evolution, think that their apparent "freedom" to choose the only musical wor... 
Audio stops pain
@rockysantoro + 1  
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
@nickofwimbledon - indeed, Johnny Cash has done a number of great covers. 'Personal Jesus' is excellent, but my favourite is his version of Nick Cave's great 'The Mercy Seat'. Really like 'Rusty Cage', too....   
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
I'm almost 71, I don't like jazz and am not much into classical, so I am proud to have listened to just junk and have no idea what good music is!! 🤣🤣🤣  
Audio stops pain
Some music CAUSES chronic pain and migraines! 🤣  
Why People Like Tekton
@thecarpathian + 1  
The new dynamic in speaker pricing
What are some of these 'good number of speakers' costing $700K and up? I've not seen all this gear advertised and/or sold (except for one online retailer I've seen who does have gear in these ranges on their website) so I can't say much about the ... 
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
@sns + 1  
Helping friends/relatives with system purchases, your experience.
I've given advice to friends looking to upgrade their listening system, and it's worked out fine. I generally recommend things they can listen to at a local store, or online retailers who will accept returns if necessary...  
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
@deludedaudiophile + 1  
Analog vs. digital
Ultimately, the 'best' amounts to 'the one you happen to prefer'.... Digital is great, Analog is great, music is great....   
E-bay and its sellers
@thecarpathian + 1  
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One
@grislybutter + 1  
Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)
Wow, this guy sure has a lot of time to have listened to all 'commercial music of today', whatever that is - I guess the music he likes is not intended to be sold - and make a blanket condemnation of all of it. Or is it more "I don't like it so i...