

Responses from larsman

Lessons of youth
@ghdprentice - interesting - my best photos were taken with my old Nikon F from the 60's, but they would have been the same pictures if I'd been using a Canon, Minolta, Pentax, Olympus, etc etc. with the same focal length lens at the same settings... 
Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
Kate Bush's career didn't need any resurrecting; she's been doing just fine. What those shows resurrect are certain songs from decades ago....   
Review: The Audiogon Discussion Forum itself 😉
@jgueron - I've also got a favorite musician like that, named Kristeen Young. She records and produces and writes and sings her own material, but also distributes it as she won't compromise her art and won't deal with record label B.S. While not '... 
Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
I wonder if the OP managed to solve his issue in the last 14 years since he posted it?   
Lessons of youth
@newbee - as a photographer since the 60's, I know what you mean! When I show people my photos and they ask what kind of camera (meaning brand) I used, it's a tad frustrating as that is totally besides the point; it could have been any of a dozen ... 
Elrog 300b vs we300b
Haven't heard Elrogs, but I can definitely vouch for the new WE 300B's - they took my Eddie Current Studio B to a whole new level, and they can now even drive my Susvara headphones quite respectably (they were not able to with JJ or Gold Lion 300B... 
U2 live. Music realism
I like their first 3 albums the best, but I've got nothing but respect for Bono and I'm so glad he's out there...    
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
@kangatrax + 1 - The Grateful Dead and JGB almost always had wonderful taste in songs to cover, and I generally really enjoyed those, too.   
Vinyl, CD's and Digital Files Accumulated Over A Lifetime
That's why I enjoy making a playlist of a few thousand of my favorite songs and then letting them run through on 'shuffle' - that way I'll hear things I never would have gotten around to otherwise. Obviously I still won't be able to hear everythin... 
Music for the Pacific Audiofest show
@catcher10 + 1  
ABS: What Is The Trouble With Measurements.
@hilde45 - Of course! I like having fun and joking around....   And as it happens, I am a diabetic (type 2) - I don't bother with weighing out carbs in food; I can't live like that - I've been at this for over 20 years and I know what makes my bl... 
ABS: What Is The Trouble With Measurements.
@hilde45 - Common sense is good! And I've got enough common sense to get regularly checked out medically. My medical conditions have nothing at all to do with my audio system, but there ya go!   
ABS: What Is The Trouble With Measurements.
@hilde45 - that's an excellent point, except that nothing in my audio chain can kill me or anybody else if left unchecked.   
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
@unreceivedogma - Very true about 'Wooden Ships' - I pointed that same thing out further up the thread. And I definitely prefer the JA version! 👍  
ABS: What Is The Trouble With Measurements.
I go 100% by listening; I couldn't tell you the measurements of much of anything in my listening chain. That stuff has just never interested me.  If they're useful to many people, and I know they are, great, but that does not mean they need be us...