

Responses from larsman

This might be the best year for music in a while
Alas, it doesn't get any better....   
I just discovered Van Der Graff Generator...
@mapman - I get the feeling that almost every copy of 'Pawn Hearts' ended up in the cut-out bins (the first couple of Soft Machines, too); few were the bins I perused that didn't have at least one in there. I wonder who at the record company thoug... 
I just discovered Van Der Graff Generator...
... and Peter Hammill and company are still going strong; just recently released a new live album. Totally agree with @petg60 . A couple of very accessible songs are 'Killer' off of 'H to He' and 'Necromancer' from 'Aerosol the Grey Machine'.  On... 
I was almost 14 yrs old when Burn was released, thankfully I think I have aged well.
Loved Mk 1 DP with Rod Evans, and of course Mk II with Ian Gillan, but I lost interest when Hughes and Coverdale came in. But I know a lot of people loved that lineup, too....   
A warning about hd tracks
@tony1954 + 1  
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
@baylinor - I know there are a lot of country music fans in the UK and Japan and elsewhere not-US. I don't think you need to be born somewhere to appreciate what the culture produces. I don't need to be Jamaican to get reggae. I'm American and hav... 
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
Personally, I enjoy rap and hip-hop; I don't enjoy jazz. I don't care about instrumental virtuosity; I care about whether I enjoy listening to the final result. Some genres I just prefer to others.   
Is R.E.M. underrated by new music nerds?
@roxy54 + 1    
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Any music that people like is good music to those people. But I don't consider music I don't like to be 'bad music'; it's just music I don't like. I like rock and pop and reggae. I don't happen to like jazz and country but I'd never say they're 'b... 
I feel bad for Generation X and The Millennial's
Do all the variations of 'rock' count as one genre? I've got a 5-figure system and listen to rock and reggae, which is pretty close, too, and that's about it. More than enough to explore just with those....   
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
@garebear - again personally, I don't care at all who plays, sings, or raps what. I don't care if anybody is classically trained or not trained at all. All I care about is the end result; the song itself. Other folks have other criteria as to what... 
Made in USA
@grislybutter + 1  
Review: VooDoo Cable LLC Black Dragon II Power cord
@hoodjem - if you're going to be correcting spelling and grammar on forums and such, you're going to be a very busy person! 😄  I get annoyed by that 'its'/'it's' business too, but I gave up on correcting anybody on it a long time ago. Same with ap... 
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
@garebear - personally, I like rap and hip-hop more than I like jazz, which is pretty much not at all. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. But I don't dismiss anything I don't happen to care for; I still respect it - all music has... 
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
Blondie's 'Rapture' was not a first in any genre, and the members of Blondie would be the first to tell you that. Rap/hip-hop was going on long before that, but maybe white folks were not as clued into it, generally, before that chart hit; 'Raptur...