
Responses from lacee

Room Treatments
The best antidote to an untreated ,bad sounding room, is to invest in a good set of headphones and a good headphone amp.In fact I'll go so far as to say, that anyone who is seriously thinking about making component upgrades,should invest in a good... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
There has never been now or in the past a hifi system that can even recreate all the dynamics and overtones of a cymbal crash, let alone a whole drum set and orchestra.Think about the foolishness of someone closing their eyes,listening to a pair o... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Both mediums are flawed and neither is 100% accurate to the original live event,and I mean event, not the recording of that event.It's always amazed me at how more realistic and lifelike some of my old mono lp are when compared to even new vinyl r... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
How do you determine what "accurate" is?I think as the hardware improves,we can hear improvents in the accuracy or both vinyl and digital formats.What does seem to tip the hat infavour of digital is the promised master tape fidelity of hi res digi... 
Favorite 845 tube monoblocks
Nagra VPA mono blocks driving Sonus Faber stradivari speakers and Art Audio Clarissa driving Ref 3A Grand Veena, were two systems that I enjoyed listening to. 
Can anyone recommend a better rectifier tube?
I've only had a couple of tube rectified amps,most were old designs, like the old 1961 Bell.What I have been using for the last year of trouble free listening is a DecWare Zen Select.I came across a collection of old 5U4GB rectifier tubes from RCA... 
Any DIY noise harvesters?
This is what prompted my post.What I tried and seems to work is an old surge /spike supressor plug from the late 50's 60's plugged into the unused outlet.Since this helps to tame some extraneous noise,and is so simple,I wouldn't doubt that the lam... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I have three dedicated lines,two 30 amp and one 20 amp.I run less than ten feet of 10 guage Romex to two Shunyata receptacles and one FIM.The panel is in my dedicated listening room, no HT., only 2 channel.I use 3 Annaconda power cords and one Pyt... 
Decware - any substance here?
I do not use the built in attenuator, there are two RCA inputs one for fixed and one for variable attenuation.I use the fixed input.I would feel better if there was no attenuator in the circuit, but the fixed option is fine.I have run the amp with... 
Amp to drive Dynaudio C-1
I was amazed at how big and deep the bass was when I heard these speakers driven with the complete ASR Emitter 11 set up at a local dealer(bless them,support them,keep them in business).No I am not a dealer.Yes alot of money on amplification,but i... 
Best Integrated, period.
I was quite impressed with the sound of the full ASR Emitter 11 system driving Dynaudio speakers.Not cheap but I've heard more exotic and expensive systems of separates and full range speakers that didn't have as much going for them. 
Speaker Rake
I replaced the spikes on my Grand Veena speakers with BDR cones, and then put small ceramic tiles under the back ones to slant the speakers forward.The speaker instructions state that if you sit closer to the speakers this sounds better than the s... 
Upgrading Fuses
Just to add another bit of info.I was glancing at the manual for the Vandersteen 3A speakers on another site, and low and behold Mr.V. says that fuses degrade the sound, avoid speakers that have them and amps that have speaker protection fuses.He'... 
How many dedicated lines are enough?
Well I can say that running a third line for the amp was the way to go in my case, and I don't need another power conditioner to plug the amp in.And I am a big proponent of power conditioners and also used a couple of Furman balanced power units.S... 
How many dedicated lines are enough?
Thanks folks, nice to see the responses and that others have found that the minimum seems to be three lines.I am glad I made the effort to add the extra line, it's made quite the improvement.Too bad Levy03 can't find a less costly electrician or a...