
Responses from lacee

room tuning 12ftx12ft room
I should add, my room isn't much bigger,11.6 x 22 x8,and I use Ref 3a Grand Veena full range speakers.A friend of mine using Spendor 1/2 speakers has also made an improvemnt in his sound when he set his room up like this, and he has an even larger... 
room tuning 12ftx12ft room
Try the 45 degree or angle speaker placement.Go to the DecWare site, and look at the section on room tuning.You can tame a bad room with this technique,and use a minimal amount or no dampening at all.Your speakers are not too big for the room.I kn... 
Speakers for a 15w 6v6 integrated amp?
I have a 1961 Bell integrated tube amp using 4 6v6 tubes.I have used this amp with great results on the following speakers- a stacked pair of Quad 57's,Tannoy Ardens,Ref 3A grand Veena, Mission 770, Meadowlark Heron i,it has always been a surprise... 
Cable help with SET amp
I have the two watt DecWare SE84ZS,SET amp driving a pair of Ref 3A Grand Veena(90db)using Nordost Heimdall speaker wire(shotgun, not biwired) and the Norse jumpers.No problems here. 
Most helpful audio companies
I would like to add Grand Prix audio to the list and again thank Mr. Alvin Lloyd for answering all my questions about a LeMans audio rack that I recently acquired.Even though The stand was not purchased new, Alvin never hesitated to help me.In the... 
Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?
I've given credit to things like upgraded power cords, dedicated lines, room tuning and even aftermarket fuses for making improvements to the sound of my system.I've used modded Target type stands and all manor of sismic sinks, Roller blocks, BDR,... 
Quads 57 -
It's not hard to make nice DIY wooden stands for the Quads and they do sound better off the floor.Just take the side trim off and use long screws to the DIY wooden stands.You place the speaker between the stands, it's a two man job to set them up.... 
Dedicated Line ....... my system SUCKS
I use 10 guage romex, about 6 feet from the panel and I use 30 amp breaker.All this for a two watt amp.It's not overkill if it sounds great . 
I also have dedicated lines and use a Shunyata RZ1(?) receptacle on one and a Hubble hospital grade on the other.On a whim I replaced the single plug(not duplex) Hubble with an old FIM, blue duplex.What a difference.More of all the good stuff.I al... 
Merlin TSM comparisons
I replaced a pair of Tannoy Ardens with a pair of Merlin TSMMX and never regretted it.A lot more detail and information and less fuzziness, with the same coherence.Fine speakers,just set them on proper stands and give them good amplification. 
Quads 57 -
A few years back I had two pairs of Quad 57, stacked the way Peter Walker said to do it.I used an AtmaSphere S30 and the Atma Sphere MP3 and my friends told me that the sound "draws you into the music".I really enjoyed the set up, and one of my be... 
NAD 3020A Integrated Amp
I used to won two of these back when you could buy them new for under $200.00.They were a refeshing change of pace from most of the over priced stuff in it's day.It was a no frills unit that delivered the goods, and I'll bet it would still compete... 
Power cord for low-watt tube amp?
Stock power cords work, some folks like them, others try DIY, and then some prefer the more exotic varieties.The only way to know what suits you is to try some.In my expereince,I haven't found a product that didn't benefit from a better power cord... 
Calculating total capacitance
Yes it was with a MM, and the 200 is the selection just 1 click before 47K.As I stated, I like the settings that I am using now,47K, 150pf, which is a default setting that seems to work for me.Thanks for all the help. 
Calculating total capacitance
I tried backing off from 47 K and went to 200, but the sound just got very dull and volume level dropped.I've set things at 150pf and so far so good.I think I"ll take a break and just listen for awhile, get a good fix on this setting and then try ...