
Responses from lacee

Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Lamp cord was considered 18 guage.Why wouldn't that work on the Levinson's if power cords are all equal?Because some gear demands better.And sounds that much better with it. 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
So if I used lamp cord to power a pair of Levinson mono blocks I'll be ok?If you can't hear any differences between power cords,yes I agree something is very wrong somewhere. 
Power handling capability of original Quad esl 57s
When I had a stacked pair of %&'s I used an old Bell 2481 tube integrated,circa 1961 and stock 18 watts.I also used the AtmaSphere S 30 OTL amp.In my experience, a tube amp around 30 watts is fine.Solid state amps around the same wattage have ... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Yes demagging works with MC or MM cartridges, with tube or solid state phono stages, with belt drive or direct drive tables, with unipivot or fixed tonearms, and with everythingelse in the chain.Of course all you need to do is demag the lp. 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Demagging(how I call it) an lp, cd or dvd, and I would presume DVDA and SACD is a tweak that can be demonstarated quite easily and is repeatable(but not with a previously treated cd).I've done this numerous times for my friends and they always pre... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I've been laughed off of a couple of forums because I sang the priases of cd and lp demagnetizing.I use a Hammond bulk tape eraser that came out of a recording studio.Got it for free, the owner switched to digital.I've offered several invitations ... 
Quad ESL's-Which One's Are The Best?
My first sta was the old Acoustat3, medallian mod, then I went to Quad 63,Martin Logan Sequel,2 pairs of Martin Logan CLS11z, and also a pair of stacked Quad 57's(ala Peter Walker design one atop the other).Although there is a stat sound, none of ... 
Anyone use CD tweaks
I use a Hammond bulk tape eraser and demag all my cd, dvds.I also run my CD player on it's own 20 amp dedicated line,into a Hydra 2 and I use a Shunyata Annaconda Helix power cord.The sound is much better this way , it rivals my lp set up.The cd p... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Why wouldn't a better power cord on a power conditioner make it work better?You don't need to prove it to me, I can hear the differences with the one's I've made and bought.All power cords can have an influence on the sound of whatever component t... 
Audio Aero Capitole amp
I've heard them drive old Quad 57's to musical heaven.They were also the best tube amp I ever heard drive a pair of CLS 11z speakers.In fact I never heard as much bass with solid state amps.I have the original Capitole 24/192 cd player, only had a... 
Do you ever doubt you ears ?
Never.They are what I use to listen to the music with.Reading the sheet music or looking at component specs never gives me the same enjoyment as listening with my ears. 
Dedicated Line ....... my system SUCKS
Maybe the power amps aren't the best match for the maggies demanding load.A lot of folks like to run them with high power solid state amps, and yet they were originally partnered with AR tube amps.Are you running the correct transformer taps on th... 
SET vs ICE vs GAINCLONE vs HYBRID vs other?
Try the DecWare Zen Select amp.It drives my Ref 3A Grand Veenas, so it will do an even better job on your speakers.It replaced a pair of very good D mono blocks(Red DRagon Leviathan sigs) and the Cary 300sei.Tubes are cheap and plentiful to replac... 
room tuning 12ftx12ft room
The grand veenas are still here and sounding the best yet.I've made some changes, I use a 2 watt Decware zen select amp, a Manley Steelhead for the phono and line option for the Audio Aero cd player and I've wired up with Nordost Heimdal speaker w... 
Power Cables for Class D Amplifiers
I used Shunyata Annaconda Helix on my Red Dragon Leviathans.These gave me the best sound, compared to other PC that were DIY or name brand.I think the bad rap given to D amps is because those who didn't like the sound used no upgraded PC or did an...