
Responses from lacee

how much power
It's not the amount of power but the quality of the power that matters.You can find a lot of low watt amps that will better the sound of what you have.It's been said, if the first few watts suck, why would you want more?I find wattage highly over ... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I can see the reasons why people like blind listening tests.Visuals do cause folks to think that the big fat cables are the better ones, or that the big expensive speaker just has to sound the best, etc.It's been proven with other things also,such... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I think trickery works both ways.You can convince yourself that you don't hear any differences also.Some of the reasons are, a lack of funds to swim with the big fish,gear that just isn't resolving enough to hear differences,no hands on experience... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
One last kick at the can.I'll bring out old Humpty Dumpty and try to use him to better convey my thoughts about this topic.Well after he gave his best rendition of Blowin in the Wind, he toppled off the wall and fell into a bunch of pieces.The tec... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Vertigo, I used the harmonica only because that seems to be what you are most familiar with.I also said that you could substitute a trumpet for example.This makes more sense,have someone blow a trumpet in your room, full tilt.Did you cover your ea... 
Prior or current owners of PSB Stratus Gold
"maybe we are all satisfied...", nothing wrong with that position, but that begs the question, why were the Gold's discontinued?I think the answer is that when you discover that you can no longer put up with Gold's shortcomings, you move onto the ... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Jeff have you ever tried any of the things Bradluke is talking about?I would agree that if you haven't, then this is all voodoo to you.You'll never hear a difference a quality power cord makes, until you try several of them.And casual listening is... 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
I had a couple of NAD 3020(bought new for the princely sum or $200.00 each)and never had a problem.Maybe I was lucky, but then I've never had problems with any of my gear.The cost to performance of the Nad was it's biggest selling point.It also go... 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
Transaudio-was that Trancendental Audio on the Niagara Blvd?I remember it well when I was a newbie.They had some Dan fellow working there that I think tinkered around with amps and may have sold a couple over the years.I believe he is still at it ... 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
My sonic memory of solid state amps from that era is that they never pleased me as much as the tubed Dynaco amps from a decade before.I had only experience with solid state amps like mid 70's Pioneer beheamouth receivers, Yamaha A1 integrated.I wa... 
Upgrading Fuses
It's great to see that you are going to take the plunge and try one of the fuses.Although I am not familiar with any of the gear you will be using the fuse in,like all things in this hobby, YMMV.With that in mind,the supreme fuses when used in amp... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Two things to clarify.New strings or a new harp are not mandatory when recording.Certain things develope a "sound" when they've been played awhile(like components-that's another days argument).But it's an individual thing,does Clapton buy a brand ... 
Prior or current owners of PSB Stratus Gold
I had a pair of the Gold around 1988 or so.I powered them with 200 watt mono block solid state amps.I thought it was moving forward in sound from a pair of Vandersteen 2c,but it wasn't.The Vandersteens are still a bargain and I wouldn't hesitate t... 
vibration control
The self delusion is that you think there shouldn't be difference.The wire is the same but the terminations are differnt, and how did you terminate them?You used bananas.Had you said you used bare wire termination and noticed a difference I might ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
I like your part about tweaking the cartridge and about how subtle changes in tightening the mounting bolts affects the sound.That implies to me how much you can veer one way or the other from accuracy with just a few twists of the wrist.How will ...