
Responses from lacee

Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Vertigo, I don't know how much clearer I can be.I think you are starting to get it, as you are repeating things in your post that I first stated.No I don't use the Fidelity Research,my vinyl set up is a modest Rega P-9, Exact 2, into a Manley Stee... 
Upgrading Fuses
Way back when, Peter Aczel had a magazine called the Audio Critic.I subscribed to it, as I did to Stereophile and TAS.Back in the mid 1980's I think, he ran an article about how damaging speaker protection fuses were to the sound of whatever they ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Why would you use the Nora Jones lp as a benchmark?I wouldn't, and as such I don't adjust the sound of my system to enhance one lp over the other.Even if one lp is 200 gram and the other is the thinnest oil embargo vinyl.I listen to them as they a... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Ever heard the term,"the devil is in the details"?Or, "you ain't heard nothing yet"?All music is sound,not all sound is music.The novice musician can make sounds on his instrument of choice,it takes time and practise to make music.It also takes ti... 
how much power
Sometimes there are exceptions to the audio rules.My Ref 3A Grand Veena go down to 32 hz and my 2 watt SET amp delivers as much bass as my 1000 watt D amps did, and as much volume.In fact I never have the Steelhead past 12 o'clock or the midway po... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Since you mentioned hospital lighting,the next time you go in for an operation, ask them to do the job by candle lite ,because it makes you feel more comfortable.I would agree that most audio systems reveal certain aspects of the truth,so it can b... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
If I might add a couple of more views.The joy of discovery is what moves me.I would presume it to be akin to the archeologist,who after painstakingly rubbing off thousands of years of dirt and debris,discoveries a treasure that was hidden behind a... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Don't give up Vertigo,and please don't regress.It's is a bit of a shock when you hear a really superb system and discovering how great all the music sounds,but that the system is revealing all the flaws as well.But this is the direction that I wan... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Can't a listen to a decent power cord be all the proof you need?The EE or electronic trade mags, of which I have as much knowledge of as you have of the latest TAS or Stereophile audio mags,in my estimation, (though with no hard evidence to suppor... 
Power Cords--Your Preference?
I am a Shunyata fan boy,I came to them after hearing the improvement they made to an already (expensive)great sounding set of components.I auditioned the whole line from entry to top, using headphones, and saddly, the Annaconda Helix were the best... 
Power cord for Burson HA160D dac+headphone amp
I have the Burson Headphone amp, and I really like it.It's not got 50 hours on it yet, but no strange noises and my room has flourescent lighting (pot lights).I use an aftermarket power cord, and prefer the sound this way, but I don't feel I can r... 
Cable Settling???
It's not your imagination.I have a twice yearly ritual of disconnecting all my wires, giving them a Caig cleaning and then re-coat with Walker ESST and insert.First listen isn't so pretty but after a few days things snap in.I usually forgo any typ... 
Good Tube Selection for Atma Sphere S30?
I used Brimars and they were an improvement.I also had the MP3, it was a great combination,I was using stacked Quad 57's at the time.No problems with the stock output tubes.I recently tried a newer version of the S30(I used to own the original ver... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
The company isn't well known outside of Canada,which is mainly due to the limited runs of the conditioners the result of extensive time spent in the real world outside of our little niche group of audiophiles.You perhaps should pick up the latest ... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Jeff have you ever heard the sound that measurements make ?Do measuring instruments have a sound,like amplifiers do?Look at how many different sounding amplifiers there are today, that on paper all measure the same.Some things have yet to be measu...