
Responses from lacee

Too Many Tubes?
I wouldn't lump DSP and tubes together as the same thing.They aren't.When someone uses tubes to tame some brightness, they may as well use DSP or experiment with different power cords or get a pre amp with tone controls.Tube pre amps and amps have... 
Best Mullard 5AR4/GZ34?
Thanks for sharing Rodman99999. 
Too Many Tubes?
I've owned lots of tubed and non tubed gear over the years,but I've always been able to distinguish what output tubes were used.Most el 34 amps sound similar, the OTL AtmaSphere sounded different, and so did the 300B and EL 84 amps all have a uniq... 
Why has audio become so specilized over the years?
Remember the old tv show Green Acres?A lot of folks today would rather regress back to the simpler days.And for a lot of other reasons,not just out of spite and contempt for speaker wires that cost as much as a new car.Actually in the earliest day... 
Best Mullard 5AR4/GZ34?
If the tube bears the RCA label,or any of the others mentioned, how does one identify it as a Mullard/Blackburn?I have a few of the old RCA rectifier tubes from that era, and as old as they are, they sound much better in my SET amp than the one th... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Vertigo I am glad you have picked up on some of my thoughts, and are beginning to understand what I must be poor at explaining.I did say that the less resolving, mid fi systems and most vintage gear, have a way of sounding more "musical" to the fo... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
Jeff, our hobby is about sound.Sure measurements matter,and so it goes.Some folks are about sound, some are about measurements and seldom do the twain meet.Sort of like politics.Now , I think that your workplace would be the ideal location to inse... 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
When I started out in this hobby I would read the reviews and if something was on my wish list I made apoint of travelling to a shop that would allow me to listen.I can't say my impressions were as glowing as most of the reviews, but then as I sta... 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
Peter53, will finding those old amps not just be an attempt at capturing lost youth?Nostalgia for any of the gear that gave us our first glimpse at what was really hidden in the grooves I think is more like it.Because a certain speaker or amp was ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
In musical instruments, no two are exactly the same.The timbre/tone were different from day of manufacture,let's look at guitars.I've known a few guitar players who took great pains to find the "perfect" strat, yet to most they would all sound the... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
I've been in recording studios and made a few recordings with local bands,and some local airplay on a PBS blues station.I have a decent stereo, in fact I've had several cutting edge systems since the mid 80's,and I have a friend with a system that... 
how much power
I wouldn't try to pull much of anything with the Camry.That's not what it's made for.What I am talking about is that you only need brute force muscle amps if you are using speakers that demand such types of amplification.For most moderate sized ro... 
Does your system take you there or...?
Indeed some prefer one over the other, and if a reviewer is prone to being in the "music came to me "group, themn all his reviews of gear will be different than the reviewer who prefers to "be there in the studio during the recording".Which is mor... 
First Tube Amp: Advice? Keep spare tubes on hand?
I have afriend of mine who has been in and out of tube amps over the years.He likes the sound,but lives in fear of a tube meltdown, and he has been known to invest more money in spare tubes than the cost of the amp!I've owned tube amps over the 40... 
SE direct heated triode amplifier
Check out DecWare.I regret discovering them way too late in the game, the amp will outlive me I have no doubt.