
Responses from kurt_tank

A warning to all about HUGE Subwoofers
Interesting.A question for you though:Precisely what instrument are they playing, (especially in rap music), that goes that low in the frequency response?(Just curious is all.) 
Zappa question
Overnight Sensation is my recommendation, (and the first Zappa album I ever got). Funny, and yet musically incredible.Oh, btw, is that real poncho, or a Sear's poncho?;-)Well, gotta go ride the range.Just me and the pigmy pony. 
PC Rules
So you're telling us that your LP's sound better when you convert them to digital, and then back to analog via your computer, and then put the signal through your amplifier to your speakers, versus when you send the analog LP signal through your (... 
How's the Synergy between Lamm1.2ref and AR REF5
Daisiu,I use the Lamm M2.1 monoblocks and I use NOS Amperex Pinched Waist 6922 tubes, (as does my friend with the Lamm M2.2 monoblocks.) Both of us feel that this is about the best tube for our amps, although they tend to be a bit pricey, (around ... 
How's the Synergy between Lamm1.2ref and AR REF5
My friend uses the Lamm M2.2 (the 220 wpc Class A/AB version of the full Class A M1.2 ref.), with the ARC Ref. 5, and it sounds great. (Incredible actually - the best stereo I have ever heard, bar none.) I would be more than happy to live with tha... 
Record weights 'n clamps: Audible improvements ?
I agree that using a clamp can be very beneficial.My Basis table and clamp are made for each other, and they work great. And I rarely, (twice, maybe, in 8 years), have had a record warped so much that it affected playback.The only drawback to the ... 
The Cultural Side of Audio Design
Am I simply projecting my own feelings and tastes here, or does anyone else see any of these similarities?I think you are, as you seem to be making these general statements for all sectors of audio design, (equipment, speakers, etc), and to a limi... 
Is Upgrading Degrading?
FYI, since you are fairly new here, I would like to point out that writing in all capital letters is considered "yelling or screaming".(i.e. used basically just for making an occasional point).Most of us consider the use of writing in all capital ... 
Does High End In Wall Speaker Wire Exist?
I agree with Tubeking that conduit is the way to go.It allows you an opportunity to change wires should you ever decide to change speakers, and the wires that work well now, don't with your future speakers.My two cents worth.PS I'd go with 2 inch ... 
Which floorstander for 25-30m2 room?
Providing us with your budgets for both the speakers and the amp would be a good starting point for any suggestions.As far as the speakers:Do you want, (either now or in the future), to have matching center channel and/or surround speakers as an o... 
Enclosed cabinet? How good are the fans ?
If it were me, I would just take the back off the cabinet, (or cut large holes in be back), which would provide the necessary ventilation. I know that the XBOX 360 runs hot, and I would guess that the PS3 does too, (not even taking into account th... 
Band with highest success/talent ratio?
Audiofeil,David Bowie, really?The rest of your list I could gladly live without, but David Bowie is a cut above the rest. ("Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars" alone gets him off this list, IMHO anyway.)But then again, I guess everyone gets ... 
Band with highest success/talent ratio?
I can somewhat agree that Kiss should be on your list.(They were not very talented musicians/songwriters, but they were showmen first, and musicians second, so that is understandable. A lot like Madonna, IMHO.)I don't know anything about Dream The... 
Revel Studio or Von Schweikert VR4 Mk1 or Salk HT3
First off, I should point out that I have only heard two speakers on your list, the original Revel Studios, and the Wilson Sophias, (which "kind of" reminded me of the Revel Studios to be honest, as they both were a bit on the analytical side), bu... 
Why do some model names use "MKII"?
It is just an abbreviation for the words Mark Two, (meaning version number two). To be honest, I don't think it has anything to do with guitars at all, but merely standard production nomenclature.My two cents worth anyway.