
Responses from kurt_tank

Addiction to Brand
Well, addicated is way too strong a word in my case, but here are the manufacturers that I currently look to first when I get the urge to upgrade:( ) = Equipment I currently ownAnalog Equipment:(Basis)Brinkmann(Dynavector)EMTGalibierKoetsuTriplane... 
The difinitive recording of AJA
I can't really offer you much advice about AJA, (Not one of my favorite Steely Dan albums to be honest), but I agree that the MoFi LP is just okay.However, for the Crime of the Century LP, I can offer some advice, which is that you already own one... 
Reading threads and posts when selling and buying
Onhwy61I do too, but when a person has participated in a large number of threads and hasn't posted their system it makes me very wary.Why?If a long-time fellow audiophile, who has been posting for several years, (and especially if you can tell fro... 
Reading threads and posts when selling and buying
When buying high priced items from someone, you bet. It gives me a sense of their relibility. (If they have been posting here steadily for years, you can be pretty assured that they are not going to be a scam artist and run off your cash.)My two c... 
In search of : Phono Stage to replace Rhea
My friend upgraded from the Rhea to the ASR Basis Exclusive. It is an utterly dead silent design, (probably partially due to its use of rechargable batteries, which recharge automatically when the unit is not in operation). It is very musical and ... 
Tell me about "tubey" tubes.
I assume you know about Joe's Tube Lore on Audio Asylum?If not, it is a great resource for one man's, (albeit a very informed man's), opinion on the sound of different tubes.Joe's Tube Lore on Audio AsylumAnd if you already know about it, well, ju... 
Figure 8
Hey Stickman451, I just listened to my copy, (also a Plain Recordings pressing), and it sounds fine on my system. (I am not going to say that it is a fantastic pressing, but it is very listenable.) There were no loud pops, and very little low leve... 
Replacements for Dynaudio Floorstanders
Well, to be honest, I pretty much agree with the others that you should consider swapping out the Krell for something a little less, well, Krellish. (Krell is very resolving, and sounds very much like solid state. Very well done solid state, but s... 
The economics of LP reissues
I somewhat disagree with Elizabeth, at least partially. I think that the record companies are indeed keeping an eye on this.This has proved to be true based upon recent re-issues of Porcupine Tree's "In Absentia", Nine Inch Nails' "Downward Spiral... 
Replacement for Nordost Cables in my system?
Well, interestingly enough, I found that going to the upper end Nordost cables, (i.e. Valhallas), that I actually bettered the treble response of my system. (My amps are just a bit slightly dark sounding, and the Valhalla cables really managed to ... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
My vote for both BEP's and Aguilera's performances at the SB also falls into the "They Sucked" category as well.Yuck. 
Hovland Radia, Pass labs xa30.5 or Chord SPM1200c
While I know that the Hovland Radia has garnered some really good reviews, you should know, (if you don't already), that Hovland has gone under. Therefore, if you need service, you'll be getting it from an independent technician, and not from Hovl... 
Speakers with Most good reviews in last ten years
The Revel Ultima line of speakers, particularly the Salons, and their little brother, the Studios. They always seemed to have gotten great reviews. And this includes both the original versions as well as the Mk. II versions.I owned the original St... 
Vinyl cleanliness
Most of my albums are very quiet as well, with very few to no pops and ticks. (There will be some low level noise between tracks, but that is to be expected.)One thing you can do to alleviate that problem is to wet clean your records and vacuum th... 
Lamm 1.2 ref or tenor 175s
I have not heard the Tenor 175s stereo amp, so I have no opinion on that amp at all. And I have heard the Lamm amps with the Kharma speakers at stereo shows a few times, and they always sounded good.The Lamm M1.2 is about as good as solid state ge...