
Responses from kurt_tank

Avalon Indra vs Eggelston Andra III
No problem, glad to help.Again, this is comparing the Avalon Eidolon to the EgglestonWorks Andra II, (not the Indra or the Andra III).With that said, I disagree that the Andra II speakers don't do acoustic music very well. I actually love the way ... 
Avalon Indra vs Eggelston Andra III
I don't know if this will help, as I have not heard those exact two models from Avalon and EgglestonWorks, however, I have heard and compared the Avalon Eidolon and the Andra II speakers.Both are cut from the same cloth, IMHO. Both image and sound... 
Tell the truth How often do you clean your gear?
I dust the amps and the electronics every month or two. I dust the speakers every couple of weeks, and I clean them every month or so. (The speakers have a piano black finish, so they look worse when dusty than the rest of the system.)However, as ... 
Tubes for Lamm m1.2 Reference
Congratulations on the upgrade!My friend, with Lamm M2.2s, and myself, with Lamm M2.1s, have also been using the Amperex pinched waist 6922 tubes for several years to good effect. However, I will state that other NOS tubes can sound very close to ... 
CDPs That Have Volume Control +Variable Output
FYI, you should consider that when using an inexpensive CD players with a volume control, that the volume control will also be inexpensive. And typical inexpensive volume controls tend to operate digitally, which will affect the sound more than a ... 
what the best amps run revel salon2 stronger bass
You can either check for a local dealer, or you can contact Perrotta Consulting, as they advertise here on Audiogon. I believe my friend with the Revel Salon 2 speakers, bought his Lamm M2.2 from them as a demo pair and saved a fair amount of mone... 
what the best amps run revel salon2 stronger bass
A friend uses the 220 wpc hybrid Lamm M2.2 monoblocks to run his Revel Salon 2 speakers, and he says they work great. (I have not gotten a chance to hear them myself yet.) FYI: He did try to use some more powerful, but less refined amps, (the Brys... 
How do designers fare when they change companies?
Charlie Hansen of Ayre (the electronics firm) previously had helped to start up Avalon Acoustics (the speaker firm). I would say that he has continued his success story admirably, IMHO. 
Upgrade Quandry - Who's on first?
What are you using for a tone arm on the Basis 1400?If it is the semi-standard Rega RB 300, then you could sell that, and purchase a Basis Vector tone arm, which would be a decent upgrade. (If you can find a Vector M3, (the M4 is the current model... 
Phono Stage for Koetsu Black
Define "Reasonably priced"?The Koetsu Black is a really good cartridge, especially if getting great sounding vocals is your prime objective. I owned one for a year or so, before upgrading to the Rosewood Signature, (which has a bit better frequenc... 
How long should a cartridge last?
Mcmprov,Brian, (the owner of the Analog Room), would have given you a partial credit for the cartridge if you had purchased it from him originally. I assume you did not, correct? (And he would have set up your cartridge on your turntable as a part... 
Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it
Well, you made things interesting by asking about "music that I now hate, that I used to love". (With the "used to love" bit making it pretty impossible for me to think of any music that falls into that category. If I loved some music before, I st... 
Favorite Pianists
I will add Horace Parlan to the list.(Truly amazing, especially considering his handicap.) 
Next Wilco Album
This is one of my favorite bands too.My favorites, in order:1. Being There. (This is where Wilco truly came into their own, IMHO.) Not their very best, (albeit my favorite, as this was my introduction to their work), but very, very good.2. A Ghost... 
Avalon Eidolon Diamond-Worth it?
Well, since I noticed that there was a flurry of responses to this thread, I thought I would update my situation, and offer a quick review of the latest Avalon speaker that I had the opportunity to hear.First off, I ended up buying the Eggleston A...