
Responses from kurt_tank

Why has audio become so specilized over the years?
As a counterpoint to Gov. Rick Perry's point:You're completely wrong. People are frustrated with trying to get better sound, so they turn to complex audio equipment, or guns or religion.Signed: President Barack Hussein Obama 
Speaker Selection with "difficult" room
What is your Budget?And what type of speaker do you want?(i.e. Planer, electrostatic, dynamic, floorstander, bookshelf, full range, etc...)What type of music do you listen to primarily?What equipment are you using, (or planning on using), with the... 
Are you an Audiophile?
Define "Audiophile".Then we can let you know whether we consider ourselves as such. 
Solid State CD Player under $2000
The Resolution Audio Opus 21 is one to consider. Used they run around $1,500.It is solid state, (as are most CD players though).It has three different outputs:1. Standard RCA (i.e. single ended).2. Xlr (i.e. balanced).3. DINNote: The first two out... 
If your whole system costs $40,000....
In my case it is about 5%, (a Resolution Audio Opus 21, in case you're wondering).However, you failed to tell us if this CD player is going to be your primary or secondary source, (or your sole source). If primary, you should probably spend a high... 
VAC Signature MK2a pre "phono tube questions"
Hey Jafox,I believe Dev asked his question because of this thread that was started just a few days ago. VAC Thread from 9-5-11Most of the respondents all seem to have stated that using NOS tubes were no better than the stock tubes that come with t... 
Klyne 7lx3.5 vs Ayre K1xe
As this is your second post about this question, (and still no answers), I recommend you give Audio Asylum a shot. Maybe you'll have better luck there.Good Luck!Audio Asylum - Amp/Preamp Asylum 
solid state vs tubes--with a twist
I am looking to find one that sounds close to the classic tube sound.I won't be surprised, if i am told that none exists. But then, maybe there is one, hopefully in production.IMHO, you said it yourself, "none exists".There are several solid state... 
Hello Inna,Yes, Lamm makes a push-pull 90 wpc tube amp. However, I have never heard it. It seems somewhat rare, as most people either go for the 18 wpc SET tube amp, or the 110 wpc full Class "A" hybrid M1.2 reference, when choosing lower powered ... 
I have two favorite high powered amplifiers, and you've just mentioned both of the manufacturers of them.(Note: Due to the speakers that my friends and I use, we have only auditioned high powered amplifiers, (100+ wpc). The SET amps have not been ... 
TV only recommendation
I agree that the bigger the better when it comes to HT televisions.I sit about 14 feet from my screen, (a 58" Panasonic plasma), and while it looks great, it is difficult to really get a sense of what the 1080P image is really like from that dista... 
Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?
Yes, it is a deal breaker for me too.I REALLY want a remote, (if only for volume and muting).I too was concerned about the sonic affect to the sound when I went shopping for my last preamp.That was a major reason I bought the Ayre K-1xe, as the re... 
Warped records in SF bay area
Hey Crubio,Did you see this?Inexpensive Record FlattenerHeck, it is even a local sale for you!I have no idea how well it works, or if it works at all.(But I saw it and immediately thought of you!)Good Luck! 
Warped records in SF bay area
I think Brian at the Analog Room in San Jose also has one of those record flattening machines. It would probably be worth paying him, or someone who has such a machine, a few dollars to get the few(?) records you have flattened, rather than paying... 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I would like to know how some become so knowledgable on high end audio.Easy answer:1. Trial and Error. (We've bought, (and sold!), a fair amount of equipment, (and so have our circle of friends), so that between all of us, we've learned what works...