
Responses from kurt_tank

So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?
Hey Ozzy, me too!I love my EgglestonWorks Andra II speakers! 
What Outlets?
I recommend that you buy the Porter Ports available from Albert Porter, who advertises here on Audiogon. They are some of the best, and priced right too. ($36/ea.)Porter PortsMy two cents worth. 
Advice on restarting vinyl playback after 30 years
Been there, done that, (about 10 years ago now), and haven't regretted it for one minute.As far as the turntable, get something fairly easily setup, like a Rega P3, or a Basis 1400 with a RB300 tone arm, or a VPI Scout, or something similar. (As f... 
I used the Audience AU24 speaker cables, (bi-wired) for my Revel Studio speakers, (the Salon's little brother), and always thought they were very good, especially for the price. (I paid about $400, used, for each of my two 2-meter pairs).My two ce... 
Long Cables w/Short Speaker Cable or Vice Versa?
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.Everyone has an opinion on this subject, with equally valid arguments on both sides.FYI: I too have monoblocks, so using that fact, I went with long interconnects, and short speaker cables. Since you already h... 
what impacts the sound quality more amp or pre-amp
To answer your first question:Whichever is the weakest link.To answer your second question:Everything counts in the system chain, from the source, to amplification, (pre and power), to the speakers, (and even the cabling can have a big impact). Sy... 
Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andras II
Congratulations on the upgrade.I am sure you will appreciate their fine qualities for years to come. (I certainly have so far!)If you have any further questions regarding the Andra II speakers, (i.e. such as which amps and cables work well with th... 
How is LAMM LP2 compares to the more recent phono
It is very musical, albeit it is just a slight bit dark sounding. It is a top of the line phono preamp, that can compete with some of the very best. It is very quiet for a tube phono preamp, with very black backgrounds, assuming that one does not ... 
Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andras II
Regarding James63's advice about auditioning the Revel Salons: I would like to chime in that I owned the (Original) Salon's smaller brother, the Studio, and while it is a fine speaker, it is not quite in the same class as the Andra II. (I have aud... 
Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andras II
Hey Pops,You wrote: "I just get nervous with components out of production, especially that long but I probably shouldn't as long as the company is in bus."You realize that the Andra II is also out of production too, right? (Albeit the Andra II has... 
Best Phono solid state under 2K?
In response to Rdavwhitaker's query, if you're using a really low output MC cartridge, you might be better off with a decent quality solid state phono preamp, as there will, "typically", be less of a noise floor than with a tube preamp. (That is o... 
Best Phono solid state under 2K?
If you run your cartridge using balanced cables, (I do), you might consider the Ayre P-5xe. Used it runs around $1,500. It is basically the same as the phono stage in the Ayre K-1xe, (albeit just a bit better sounding, according to Charles Hansen ... 
What you drink while listening sessions?
It tends to vary of course, (typically a nice cold beer on hot days), but lately, it has been an incredibly good Irish Whiskey called "Redbreast", that for me, just tastes perfect. 
Downsizing from Ayre MX-R monoblocks
Onhwy61Are people really suggesting that someone cannot put together a great sounding, emotionally stirring system for $10K?No, actually what we are saying is that having owned such a world class amplifier, (one of the very, very best amps!), the ... 
Downsizing from Ayre MX-R monoblocks
Good Luck with that!;-)Personally, I think you're going to have to make some major compromises on the sound. You're going from 300 wpc, $19K power amp monoblocks, which were combined with a $9K preamp, (for a combined total of $27K), down to a $5K...