

Responses from kr4

Best multichannel SACDs?
And which Carmina Burana is that? (I am colorblind.) ;-) 
Who has a separate DVDA and SACD player?
I was not trying to be flip about this but cannot post publicly something that has not yet seen print. Sorry. 
B&W Nautilus 802 transport question, please help
IIRC, there is a transit clamp for the midrange driver that you access under a rubber plug at the rear end of the MR enclosure. Check with B&W or a dealer. Perhaps there's mention of it in docs on the B&W website. 
Theta Dreams
They're back! Gen VIII. 
Who has a separate DVDA and SACD player?
You'll have to wait for my March column if you want that info. ;-) 
Who has a separate DVDA and SACD player?
Bel Canto Pre6McIntosh C45McCormack MAP-1and those are only the ones I've used. Many others. 
Polk Speakers: Good Wood?
I've only seen them at shows but they look superb, especially for the money. 
Ah Tjoeb 4000 - Install Digital Input?
I have not done it but it requires the implementation of an S/PDIF receiver chip and a little associated circuitry. 
Theta Dreams
You might say so; I could not possibly comment. ;-) 
Actually, the stair-step analogy is not accurate as the reconstruction filter smooths the outputs to the same result. Now, the nature of that filter can be affected by the output sample rate but that's another story. 
Of course. Upsampling cannot get more information out of the original since there is no more information. It can help with the necessary filtering and other processing. 
2 speakers, 1 cable, silly, but do I have options?
"There are two strands of copper wire wrapped around each other in each sleeve."Are these two strands insulated from each other? If so, you can use the total of 4 strands separately for stereo.If not, they are effectively one cable and you are stu... 
MFG's for cable burn in units?
Theta's new Gen VIII DAC has a burn-in signal generator available with the push of a button. Only $10,000. 
Good site available to classical music/CD reviews
Fanfare Magazine is my favorite source of comprehensive and well-considered reviews. The Nov-Dec issue (now) contains the annual listing of the reviewers' favorites for the year. 
Revel Studios for half price?
I agree with Ritteri about the F30 alternative. I had both in my system, one after the other, and they are very similar. Kept the Studios, however.