

Responses from kr4

2+2+2 Multichannel
Chesky has also offered and promoted 2+2+2 recordings. 
2+2+2 Multichannel
Try their website. They have a white paper on the setups. 
Sub setup in acoustically dead room
It may be the size. It's possible that the larger room supported modes at lower frequencies to your taste/needs. The smaller room will have higher modes regardless of damping. 
5.1 bass management
I do agree with most of your analysis but you are suggesting an arrangement that is already a problem since there's no reason to use 100Hz on C and 60 on L/R unless the C is lacking. Phase problems will already exist. Using 100Hz for all is better... 
5.1 bass management
It is useful to have independant control of crossover frequency for all 5 channels even if the speakers are identical since their response is greatly influenced by room placement. 
Guilty pleasures and interesting music posts?
Black Dahlia (especially in MCH SACD) is beautiful. A bluesy, jazzy, sorta soundtrack on BlueNote. Gorgeous! 
Anyone aware of the problems with the Linn Unidisk
I've seen none of those glitches as yet. 
DVD-A monitor
Try one of the small LCD monitors with composite vidio inputs from RS, MCM, PartsExpress, etc. 
Center speaker placement
I suggest that you place the center channel over the TV and use it for video/cinema sources. If it's quite off center, switch to phantom-center for music. 
Freqency response
The problem with 'averages' in presbycusis is that the environment plays a very large role and that, of course, varies considerably. 
preamps that have sub connection ?
As long as the sub has line-in and line-out connections. 
Remove spring from RB300
Yes. Set it to 3. Then do all your balancing with the weight. 
How to bias Sonic Frontiers Line 2?
Dunno. Try Chris Johnson at audioconnexions.com 
Best Tube Monoblocks for Revel Ultima Salons?
I use the SF Power3 amps with the Studios. I cannot comment on their use with the Salons but Larry Greenhill reviewed those speakers and you might consult his reviews for more info. 
Pre with Pass-Thru for HT Processor
I suggest a used SF Line-1. HT bypass, tape-loop, remote control, balanced in/out, ......