

Responses from kr4

Absent on-screen display
Some OSDs are defaulted to composite output. Check the Adcom manual about this. 
Theta Dreams
Can you explicitely distinguish upsampling from oversampling? ;-) 
Getting 5.1 from Pro Logic Pre-Amp
Look for a used Sony P9000ES which has two 6channel inputs with volume control so you can feed the output of the DVD-A player and the Carver Preamp through it to the amp. Should be well under $500. 
Theta Dreams
I must say that no information beyond that which you can see at the website was supplied to me in the accompanying materials so I cannot offer more. My understanding is that earlier "generations" will be upgradeable and that the technology will be... 
Theta Dreams
They prefer "oversampling,' which the Gen VIII certainly does. 
Splitting Preamp Output--Affect Sound Quality?
The issue, in my opinion, has less to do with the Y-connector itself (as long as it's decent) than it does with the impedances of the amp and sub. With the Y-connector, their input impedances are paralleled and, if equal, the preamp sees half the ... 
Low cost simple 5.1 pre-amp no processing needed?
Take a look at the AudioRefinement Pre5. Under $1k. 
Is it possible to shield unshielded speakers?
Aluminum and copper will not do the job for magnetic interference. You need iron or mu-metal. The former is heavy and hard to work with. The latter is expensive. 
amp selection for multi ch AND bi-amp capablity
If you split the player outputs to the new amps, how will you control volume? 
dac/transport/preamp connection problem..Help
My Sigma has 2 inputs and you need to select the one in use. 
Is there a problem at Revel?
Kevin Voecks has told me that they have contracted with two new cabinet suppliers and that production has resumed. 
Unlytic v.s. Electrolytic...
Can you provide a link to information about what an Unlytic or Unlitic cap is? 
How to control volume on an integrated and amp
It's too bad that the line-level adapters you got did not work for your setup. What did they (not) do?OTOH, I have built them from pairs of resistors and they work just fine. 
Still more new labels to try...
I didn't find any of them particularly obscure. BTW, I collect ALL the Sefels. Greatly underappreciated (for Hungarian music). 
Need help setting up Meridian861/800 system
Get a laptop. The Meridian setups seem confusing but, with a little practice, they are fairly friendly. Just make sure that you save earlier versions as you try modifications.As for placement and room treatment, the same laws of physics apply to t...