

Responses from kr4

Telarc cd's and Mozart's Requiem
On SACD/MCH, go with the Mackerras on Linn. 
Connecting Bookshelve Speakers to PC
Yes. An amplifier. Powered subs generally have a power amp only for themselves and you need to add a power amp for the bookshelf speakers. 
Pre/Pro with 2 MCH analog inputs plus..
Thanks. I have already reviewed the Sony and the Pre5. The former is not a pre/pro and the latter has only one MCH input (and ain't a pre/pro either). Looks like an external switch may be necessary.Oh, no receivers, please. 
Pre/Pro with 2 MCH analog inputs plus..
Y'know. I've heard of that before. ;-)Thanks. 
Pre/Pro with 2 MCH analog inputs plus..
Thanks. That's an option if there are no other alternatives. 
Luxman tables
Also, if you are buying one from the internet, make sure you have insurance and return privileges. The factory packing for the larger DD PD-series is inadequate. I have bought 2 so far (from different vendors) and both were returned as they arrive... 
passive preamp sub output?
1. Go to an auto audio shop or Crutchfield and get a pair of speaker-to-line level adapters. Run these to your powered sub in parallel with your regular speakers.or 2. Get a passive sub with speaker-level inputs/outputs 
Pre/Pro with 2 MCH analog inputs plus..
There are several preamps with 2 but, so far, no pre/pros. With a pre only, I'd need a sepatate pro and that would mean that I'd then need 3 inputs on the pre. Vicious cycle. 
Has anyone tried upsampling a CD to 96k/24 bit?
Let's put it this way. You can upsample the CD, on the fly, by using any one of the various upsampling players or DACs on the market. If you rip it, upsample it and burn it to DVD+A, do you get anything different or have you simply gone through mo... 
PRE/PRO 2 channel analog bypass and SUB
"Do Pre/Pros normally still send bass signal to SUB when you do anlog bypass 2 channel?"Normally, no. "is there such thing as analog bass management?Yes. There are a few that do, like the new Adcom and Fosgate. Likely some others."like crossing ov... 
After 5 years, format war? What format war?
"That looks to me like it might have some serious practical and sonic advantages over any process using silver coasters."But from where will you get your music for this? 
is there any multi-chnnel power amps that can...
No reason to be bothered by this if you have adequate power in MCH and in stereo. OTOH, all you are getting from the HK is the result of the power supply not being shared by 5 channels, but only 2, when used in stereo. In fact, almost any MCH powe... 
Is there such a beast?
The Sony has the iLink but no balanced outputs. 
Difference in MC vs MM gain stages just db's????
Gain and input impedance. The latter does affect frequency balance. 
Whats the Story w/ Headphones?
How familiar are you with headphone listening? If you are not, I suggest you buy something for under $100 and see if you can justify spending more. It's sorta like the rest of high end: you probably didn't invest until you got your feet wet.I, for...