

Responses from kr4

Soundproofing Hi-Rise Apt?
The first thing might be to find out who is the real complainant. If the sound is getting to them via the building structure, rather than through/around the door, you have few practical solutions. If it is via the door, sealing it helps but a doub... 
Good preamp suggestion for around $1000
Used SF Line1 with HT bypass and remote control. 
Is my reciever coverting back to digital?
Ooops. I assumed the unit was a receiver but it ain't. Just looked at the manual (http://media-server.amazon.com/media/mole/MANUAL000032249.pdf) and I suspect everything is digitized except the passthrough inputs. 
Is my reciever coverting back to digital?
If it has no digital inputs, I doubt if it does anything digital. Your sub out is probably the result of analog filters. 
directional arrows on interconnects
Now, isn't that clear? 
Revel Studios- amplfier suggestions please
I've used the CAM-350s and the Omicrons. The latter are really excellent but none of these, I fear, fit your "not too much money" spec. 
Tube Monoblocks for Revel Studis
I have been running them with SF Power3 amps for years now and that combination has yet to be supplanted. 
Revel Studios- amplfier suggestions please
See above. My post suggested SF and Classe. Enjoying them both but not simultaneously. ;-) 
stupid question on sacd:pls help
One loses the other signals. Why not just play the stereo track? All SACDs have them. 
Revel Salons...time for a new version?
I do not see any technological breakthroughs in speaker design lately. Most new versions are shaping and tweaking the basic design and are probably driven by market attitudes such as those of the OP. 
Don't lie....Do you hoard vinyl?
I have a few thousand including 2-300 that I've never played. With my current lifestyle and my age, I will probably never get to hear most of them or rehear most of the others.The problem is that there's no relatively easy way to get rid of them! ... 
Revel Studios- amplfier suggestions please
I still like the SF Power3 amps with them although the Classe monoblocs come close. 
Abandonning Powered Speakers - Why?
I guess Trelja proves my point. ;-) 
Abandonning Powered Speakers - Why?
No. It is a superior design principle but one that is not easily accepted by the audiophile (or retailer) market. Powered speakers are a hard sell, unfortunately. 
Are the Empire Turntables any good?
They were and can be. Depends on model, condition and modifications. The arms are another story............