

Responses from kr4

Best balanced source direct to amp
Theta GenVIII direct to power amps. Handles both digital and analog inputs. 
April Music DA220 upsampling digital to analog con
Behind the marketing for April Music is Jacques Riendeau from Oracle. 
Comparing sound of cables v. wireless
No comparison. So far, wireless speakers are little more than toys. There are some transmitter/receivers that are more advanced and there may be better wireless stuff on the horizon, perhaps taking advantage of modern wireless data transmission.Bu... 
Best multi-channel pre-amp for music under $1000?
I reviewed the AR Pre5 in the May 2004 issue of Stereophile. 
Best multi-channel pre-amp for music under $1000?
Audio Refinement Pre5 comes pretty close. 
Does 1/2" make a difference at 375 Hz ?
There are some differences between the two versions of the B139 other than the frame. Consequently, the 1/2" shift is not a real issue. BTW, I have also made a B139 swap, although it was to use the new(er) version with the ears in place of the old... 
What's the diff. between preamps and processor?
You need a processor capable of decoding DD and DTS. That processor can exist in the player, in the receiver or in a stand-alone processor box. If the latter, you probably also need a pramp/receiver with 6channel analog input. 
New ultra high-tech speakers
I would characterize these as high quality, high style speakers rather than high tech. Little novel technology is involved. 
Revel Studio Discussion- Everything Studio Here
I compared the F30s and the Studios in my reviews. The biggest differential is the midrange in clarity and integration. 
Revel Studio Discussion- Everything Studio Here
I have never had the Salons in my listening room although I have been impressed with them at other sites. Part of my decision not to try the Salons is the visual factor since my stereo listening area is also my living room. This space is 15x26 wit... 
Revel Studio Discussion- Everything Studio Here
Nothing useful. Just reinstalled the Revel Studios in the system as the (unnamed) review speakers are moved out to the MCH system. Lovely! Over the years, I have swapped the Studios in and out as others were auditioned and I am always gratified wh... 
Are my speakers supposed to do this?
What is high frequency DC, anyway? 
Are my speakers supposed to do this?
Could be the tubes but, if it happens on both channels, it must be something common to both channels. Since the pre is new, why not contact the company about this? 
Are my speakers supposed to do this?
Turn off the preamp but leave the power amp on. Does the speaker pump now? If not, I suspect you have an unstable preamp that is defective. I do not know if your speakers were damaged by the initiation of the preamp but the cone movement of the sp... 
Describe the Meridian sound and the Levinson sound
The closest I can get to this is when I compared the ML 360/360s with the 508.24. Check the Stereophile website for the relevant info.