
Responses from ken7

$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.
  Since you liked your previous Harbeth's, if your room is large enough, you can purchase a used Harbeth 40.1 or 40.2 for about half or less than original price. Add  good solid state amps like  Classe monblocks, a good tubed preamp like Audio Re... 
Upgrade to moving coil advice
I would suggest a Denon 103 to start with....and after listening you can have it modified by ZU(about $200) which brings it to another level of sound quality. It's a lot less expensive than the Dynavector and is equal to the Dyna's sound  
Ultimate stereo nightmare
I had the same problem....hired a technician to get on his knees and find the problem. Turns out it was a loose locking ground jacket on one of my RCA input plugs from my amp to the preamp. All is well now  
Phono Stage Question.....
Why not change your thinking and get a Bob's Devices Sky 20 which should be an excellent match for your cartridge.....and much less expensive than the Sutherland with sound quality equal to or even better than the Sutherland  
Jim Campbell (the turntable restorer)
Try these: ...or Campbell''s address:      347 Church Street                                         Royersford, PA 19468          
Where to get MHDT Orchid modfications?
I modified an MHDT Orchid by replacing the cheap 1541 chip with an S1 Philips chip(about  $120), replacing the 2 large 2 uF caps with much better quality caps and replacing the tube with a NOS RCA Command. There's some skill level involved in repl... 
Speakers for string Quartets
I had Quad ESL 57's for 20 or more years and about 4 years ago switched to Harbeth 40.1's. Never looked back. The Harbeth's are very transparent and neutral and having a lot of amp power certainly helps.  
Have you ever given LENCO TTs a thought? When rebuilt and mounted on new plinths, these offer superb performances....I know because I have two such TTs. One is from an old Lenco L70; the other from a L75. Both are fitted with quality Jelco tonearm... 
Question on Denon DL-103 retipping options and preferences
I sent Andy a Zu Denon 103 and had him install a line contact stylus attached to a sapphire cantilever.....turn around was fast....less than 2 weeks. Excellent resultant sound 
A turntable that plays all types of music well
Why not just keep your Lenco and suck up the shipping price. I too have a Nantais rebuilt Lenco(with a Jelco 850S tonearm) and it is superb on all kinds of won't find a better TT for 3-5x the Lenco's cost ...and even then, the altern... 
Harbeth 40.3xd vs Graham LS5/5
As a Quad 57 owner for over 30 years, I finally gave up on them and purchased a pair of Harbeth 40.1's. Listening at the apex of an approximate isosceles triangle(about 10 ft. on each side) the 40.1's are almost as transparent as the Quads but of ... 
CD Player Recommendations…
Find a used Marantz 8001 SACD rated by Stereophile years ago but still provides excellent well balanced sound 
Is your now then?
in 1962 I walked into a hi fi store in Berkeley and heard a pair of KLH 9's driven by a transformerless amp.....truly a game changing experience. Several months later, heard a pair of Quad 57 ESLs, bought a pair and listened to them for many years... 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
LENCO rules!!!!! I have completely rebuilt Lenco 70 and 75"s. They are superb and the equal of many turntables costing 5 to 10 times more 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
I have Classe' CAM 200's driving my Harbeth 40.1's....very transparent