Upgrade to moving coil advice

Hi all,

i’m thinking of trying a moving coil cartridge as I’ve only used MM cartridges for the last sixty years or so. My turntable is the VPI classic four with the 12 inch arm. My preamp is a C2600 from McIntosh.. my current cartridge is a Ortofon Black MM. I’d like to spend under $1200. What cartridges that you’ve tried would you suggest?

many thanks,


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Only 60 years?  

I've been using a VPI Scout with a Dynavector 20x2-L Low Output MC for the past 10 years or so.  Very smooth, organic sounding cartridge.  Easy to listen to. Took me a long time to dial it in, but I think that's just me.  Listening to Chet Baker right now in fact :-).  I'm not sure if they still make them but you might want to check it out.  Well reviewed.  


I would suggest a Denon 103 to start with....and after listening you can have it modified by ZU(about $200) which brings it to another level of sound quality. It's a lot less expensive than the Dynavector and is equal to the Dyna's sound

The Hana ML would be in that OPs original price range or close.  Moving from the very good Ortofon Black MM this would be the level to be considered.