Responses from ken7
Favorite cable brand. ALL my cables are from DH Labs....Silver Sonic | |
What are all these metal cans/pods sitting on top of electronics? None....I repeat None of these tweaks will work unless blessed by the Pope!!!!!!! | |
Building new system starting with power amp. What would you choose ? I agree with 'unsound''ve got it backwards. Choose the speakers that fit your taste and then find amplification that is compatible with the speakers | |
$10K Budget for Speakers: Martin Logan Masterpiece vs Tannoy Look for a used pair of Harbeth 40.1 or 40.2's....better than both Tannoy and ML....and less expensive.....much more natural sounding unless you're a heavy metal person | |
Best "Bang for the Buck" you have owned? Check out Sweet Vinyl products. Their 'click and pop" removing components work magic on noisy vinyl. Allows one to listen to older, oft played discs, without all of the inherent noise on second hand recordings....but one still needs to clean their... | |
Can Room Correction Be Added to an Existing DAC? Look into DSpeaker line of products | |
What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1 Read Allen Shaw's various essays on power requirements for the Harbeth 40 series. He advocates high power needs and presents demos to prove his point. I personally use Classe CAM 200 mono amps in conjunction with a Conrad Johnson tube preamp to dr... | |
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A I owned a pair of AR3's for about 5 years(years ago.....don't remember exactly but probably in the early 1970's)....sold them and bought a pair of original Quad ESL's from Jonas Miller in Los Angeles. The first piece of classical music I played wa... | |
What are the sexiest components ever made? JBL Paragon!!!! | |
Really need some help finding a full range speaker Look for a used pair of Harbeth 40.1's. Could augment these with one SVS SubW and you'd have a sound that rivals the neutrality, smoothness, and excitement of the old Quads(I had the Quads for 30 years!!!!) | |
Non Analytical Sounding DAC Upgrade- Budget $1,500 or less to respond to akgwhiz, replacing the 1541A chip is not difficult....just need to gently pry out existing chip(you can buy a special tool on Amazon for this) and carefully put in the replacement making sure that all the pins are aligned properly be... | |
Non Analytical Sounding DAC Upgrade- Budget $1,500 or less I've had an Orchid for several months and after replacing the 1541A chip with a Philips/Taiwan(non S1 or S2- too expensive), replacing the 2.0 uF caps with 1.0uF Mundorfs, and tube rolling(finally settled on a RCA 5670), am pleased to say that sou... | |
Looking to upgrade DAC from SA8005 Look into the MHDT line....for example. the Orchid. With a few simple mods and a bit of tube rolling. you'll have an excellent DAC | |
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3? what are the resistor values needed for the Orchid upgrade? | |
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3? Audioman58....what brand/voltage fuse did you use on your Orchid upgrad? |