Responses from ken7
Is it even possible to set up a system in 12x12 room? I had this same dilemma and settled on a pair of Quad 57's with a small subwoofer. Amazing sound since, when one puts the speakers about 3 feet from the wall, one is in an ideal listening position to listen to these marvelous performers. Like open... | |
Considering Harbeth C 7ES-3 oooops!!!!! sorry about my last post. It was supposed to be in response to a fellow stereophile who is looking for a quality phono preamp | |
Considering Harbeth C 7ES-3 I have two Graham Slee Golds and they are very uncolored and natural sounding but they are not SUT's....they are to be used after an SUT or directly with a MM cartridge. They're at their optimum with the optional power supply | |
Considering Harbeth C 7ES-3 I have the 40.1's and think they produce as accurate a sound as one can achieve in this hobby. I always compare them to the original Quads that I had for 30 natural but without the limitations of the Quads. But they do benefit from pow... | |
What to do with broken McIntosh Pre-Amp Search the Internet for a good used tubed preamp like an Audio Research, Conrad Johnson, or Vacuum Tube Logic | |
I can not live without "Room Correction" Purchased a DSpeaker Anti Mode 2.0 from(made in Finland) several years ago....easy to use, oodle of possible settings.....but I settled on equalizing signals below 200 Hz....with a sub woofer(Velodyne) and Harbeth 40.1's in my large room, the bass... | |
In search for speakers of "natural" sound You don't mention which Harbeth's you have but my Harbeth 40.1's are about as natural and neutral as any on the market....and I have been using Quad 57's for over 30 years(retired after getting the Harbeths). What these speakers need are a rather ... | |
Looking for vintage Quad ESL's - or my wife thinks a "shrink" becase she says I'm crazy! I've been a Quad 57 owner for years and have finally replaced them with Harbeth 40.1's. You have to have a large sized room for these but when you sit at the apex of a equilatrral triangle with them, they are every bit as transparent as the Quads ... |