
Responses from keithr

DeVote Fidelity O/96 versus Wilson Audio Sabrina/Yvette
I think if you make one more run with just the two speakers on similar electronics, your decision will be easy. Can't fault either choice!I will say, the Yvette is my least favorite Wilson design-wise as I believe the time alignment adjustment is ... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
You might check out the new Devore Super 9... 
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1
I'd suggest you audition the Devore Gibbon X and the Wilson Sabrina. They are on the opposite side of Magico. 
Best of the best Integrated amps in 2018
For SS, the Dart CTH is sublime and comes with phono which separates it from the pack.For P/P tube, I'd probably try with the new Vac 170iq which is getting excellent reports - it also has a phono option. 
Have Passive Preamps Finally Come of Age?
I think TVCs are the way to go passively and don't experience the loss of dynamics, etc. that resistor-based passives bring. I compared my Music First to several active, tube preamps and it was the champ.  
Torus power vs the competition
So what happened with the Torus, Dave? 
Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?
I found the Delos to sound a bit etched in my system. It was like they designed a cartridge to sound kinda digital. Lyra is very system dependent and just wasn't good in mine. My friend has multiple Lyras, so go figure. 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
The DarTZeel integrated has everything you are looking for and sounds spectacular. My only qualm on the phono stage is with very low LOMC it sounded better with SUT.In tube land, the new Vac coming out could be the equivalent on the other side. 
This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.
I had wonderful sound on my older model C1s with a Pass X250.5. It was a perfect match.Now, I would like to hear them with Octave amplification as well who is distributed by Dynaudio NA of course. 
Your Thoughts on the BAT VK-3i
I had the 5i, 50SE, 31SE, and 51SE.The 31SE was the best value. I thought the 5i was overly warm and the frequency extremes ill-defined. I should have rolled tubes, but its a lot of $ for NOS. 
Zu def 4 are they the best speaker made?
Bache is posting measurements from 2002 that don't even work right (the speaker was lifted in air despite a downward firing port).at least use Stereophiles more recent ones: 
Which one is the best INTEGRATED!!
DarTZeel is the best I've ever heard. For tube, I believe Vac is updating their Sigma. 
Wilson Audio Sophia 3 vs Watt Puppy 7
I always thought the W/P 7 was bright. The Sophia was a better speaker to me except in the lowest bass extension. It also didn't have the coherency issues. Ymmv. 
What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under
I'd say brands associated with tone include Sonus Faber, Harbeth, Devore Fidelity, Dynaudio, Tannoy, and Zu Audio. 
For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
The tube power amp provides more of the "magic"