
Responses from keithr

What is the best pre-amp for ARC Ref 75SE amp?
Works fabulously with my Music First Baby Ref v2. I think you’d need the $30k Ref 10 to beat it. 
DAW vs Alexia 1 vs Sasha 2, descending order of $$
I'd get the Sasha 2 over the original Alexia - a boomy, incoherent mess to me (and its funny most Alexa 2 reviews now admit it).I owned Sophia 1s on BAT gear for several years - the only non-fatiguing Wilson at the time :) 
DAW vs Alexia 1 vs Sasha 2, descending order of $$
In a limited dealer demo of the DAW, I would choose it over the Alexia and Sasha2. It is far more coherent with tighter bass and easier to drive. It is the first Wilson I have liked in a long time. 
Nature of the current used speaker market
there have been 8-10 pairs of Alexia 1s it seems for an eternity. 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
I've heard the A3s on Vac monoblocks at the LA Audio Show and me and two others found them dynamically restricted and kinda dead sounding.I've heard the D7s numerous times including at a local dealer and find them far more musical sounding. They w... 
Help: Devore O/96 Integrated Amp + DAC suggestion
I've had really good success using the ARC Ref75SE which seems to tame the long-throw woofs well on my Gibbon Xs.I use a Music First TVC passive, so costs about same as a top flight integrated amplifier. 
Apple TV Streaming Sound Quality vs Streamer?
I replaced my ATV with a dedicated Innuos server over ethernet- this was as large a difference as a preamplifier change. YMMV. 
yggdrasil dac and Innous Zenith MK2
I use WireWorld Ethernet from the wall to the Zenith and WireWorld USB from the Zenith to the M12 pre/dac.  Sorry- I meant taking advantage of the Zenith's isolated ethernet ports. ie. no more USB  
yggdrasil dac and Innous Zenith MK2
I'd look to find a dac that with a renderer can use ethernet with the ZenithI use 2 ethernet cables now with mine, that's it. Cost me like $15 from BJA. 
Stenheim Speakers
Great to hear this - I'm hoping they have more US dealerships soon. Seems like the perfect endgame speaker for me. 
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?
Lampi and Luxman off the top of my head... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Any word on a TotalDac demo? You've been attempting to arrange one it seems forever. 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
I think the more comparable speaker to the JA Perspective is the new Devore Super Nine. Does you dealer have a pair of them? 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
Great read - thanks for your feedback on the various amps and combinations.  Nice to read the LTA plays in that league - although reported QC issues prevented me from ordering one.Did you roll the tubes on the Melody? Pretty important as the stock... 
Devore Orangutan O/96 Resale Value
Around 8k. Devore holds up well resale-wise as dealers don't really discount.