
Responses from keithr

Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Sounds fantastic on first blush!  
Speaker recommendation thread (Organised by tiers of price)
Not sure what the point of this thread is. In theory, every speaker that is sold on Audiogon could be recommended by an owner. 
Speaker recommendation for SET tube amp MASTERSOUND
Zu works well with this amp 
Anyone at the Devore Fidelity Event?
Absolutely, despite being a loud event not an audition - although an $85k speaker will never be in the cards for me. I do think the trickle-down tech could be very interesting and wonder what the next Orangutan might be like. 
The best speaker for a small any price point.
I think the Gamut Rs3 might be the ticket for you though too 
The best speaker for a small any price point.
@daveyf Unfortunately the Stenheim monitors were on Bryston gear which wasn't a very good combo for my taste- not much bass either, but I could be jaded by the Five demo I had prior. The line has very nice tonality and dynamics. 
Anyone at the Devore Fidelity Event?
But anyone who can say they truly evaluated this speaker in that kind of environment is kidding themselves. 
Anyone at the Devore Fidelity Event?
I went and thought they sounded great with the caveat that its a huge, loft style store and there were like 30 people there so ambient level was high.They soundstaged better than expected, just wish we could have tested out the massive bass more (... 
The best speaker for a small any price point.
 @daveyf What about the Stenheim monitor? I am hearing it’s big brother this weekend. Should work fine with your Jadis.  
The best speaker for a small any price point.
What brands did you enjoy at the show two weeks ago? I'd start there.  
Rockport Avior 2 vs Wilson Sasha DAW
If I recall correctly.Either- most popular two colors (along with Galaxy Grey) so can’t go wrong.  
Rockport Avior 2 vs Wilson Sasha DAW
Obsidian black (w/ metal flakes iirc) looks amazing 
upgrade from Devore Nines
Have a friend of a friend that traded up to the Super Nines - and is spellbound. I think the Stereophile review of the X likely summarizes the differences between your Nines and the "new era" of Gibbons. There will be much more extended treble. Al... 
Tone, Tone, Tone !
tone, soundstage, dynamics are my 3 criteria 
Best speakers for a Pass XA 30.5
I believe Devore speakers are commonly with with the 30.5 - see Jack Roberts reviews.