
Responses from keithr

ARC Ref 5se inferior to LS28?
I agree with the others that it seems like marketing. The LS is a hybrid preamp and is going to sound very different from the fully tubed Ref series. The power supplies just don't compare.fwiw, the LS25mk2 was the least favorite preamp that I've o... 
Amplifiers and Dynaudio C2 signatures
Best amp I had on my C1s was the Pass X250.5.  
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
I've had Black Shadows in a large room (25' x 24') and had no issues at ear bleeding levels. Sophia Electric may have an older pair of 206-based 845 amps if you want a cheaper option, or Melody if you want an integrated one.For SS, Sean has been u... 
Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.
You might also look at Melody - they make some great stuff at reasonable prices. 
Why Single-Ended?
Honestly you need to audition all kinds of amplifiers (I have). They work best with different speakers as well. I personally don't like SET amps at all (and I've owned 101db and now 91db speakers and tried at least a half dozen of them). I tend to... 
I've decided to try Tubes
I would call Sean - he will have multiple recommendations. 
Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?
Troy- I would agree with you about Vandy and have always thought the same thing.Paradigms historically have been bright speakers - but maybe the new Personas have changed to represent a much more realistic tonality. 
Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?
I would choose the Sasha 2s over Alexias simply because they are easier to drive. I do think you'd want a bigger room for Alexias anyways.You might also consider the new Yvette if the distance requirements work for you. 
Have ~$10-12k...what would you do?
I think you'd be better off with a P/P amp with your speakers. According to Stereophile, the Wharfdales play mostly between 3-4 ohms which is not SET friendly.  I wouldn't hesitate to go with even a bit more than your Onix at 50-75 watts. A Jadis ... 
Voxative Hagan
Sure am, although I moved to Devore speakers last year. 
PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo
I think a BAT combo would work great with Thiel. 53SE with 655SE. Tonality would be synergistic with Thiel top end. 
Voxative Hagan
ghasley, still enjoying the AG Zeros? 
What is best tweeter height for the Devore O/96?
sunnyjim, you're welcome to your opinion but unfortunately you are offering speculation. John's cabinets are made by a furniture maker in the same building - he designs fully custom drivers with Seas (which take several years to get right). yes, h... 
All 845 owners
you might reach out to 213Cobra - I believe he has been using a set for a month. he's well versed in 845 alternatives and amplifiers. 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
Can the Kt150 based integrated be modded like the amps to use Kt88s?I'm debating which integrated to purchase and prefer flexibility.