
Responses from keithr

Solid state amp to replace my Audio Research Ref 150 amp
Ref 75se makes a ton of sense here.For SS, Dart and Ayre would work very well. Dart is out of budget unless you swap to the integrated.  
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
I've always felt the Druid IV was rolled off a bit, so I'd wager than Omen Def is less forgiving and overall preferable. I would purchase them over either the older Druid or Essence. Soul Superflys also sound great with tubes and can be found at v... 
Pls share your experience with Zu Soul or Zu in general
Owned Definiiton IIs/IVs for 6 years - great speaker, great company. Takes some effort with amplifier matching however. They love 845 type power in SET land or Class A SS like FirstWatt. 
Zu/Omen in LA?
You can hear Druids and Defs on Audion SET amplification in the valley- reach out to 213cobra 
Speakers For Balanced Audio Technology Amplifiers
I ran Dyn C1s off a BAT 300xSE and it worked beautifully.Wilson and BAT tubes historically a great combo...and some use Rockport with their SS amps. 
Best Rock Album of 2016
adding Pete Yorn's "ArrangingTime" to our list  
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
I recently had this budget and bought a pair of Devore Gibbon Xs that were much cheaper.  Caveat emptor... 
Dynaudio Sappires vs Focal Sopra 2's
back in the day there were Dynaudio peeps and Focal folks- and typically one camp didn't prefer the other's sound. 
Thoughts on balanced power
I've had great experiences with Torus and they do a lot more new stuff than Equitech 
Concert Experience for $5k?
Zu Druid Vs would be great as others have mentioned.  Horns are the other idea, but probably out of budget.   
$16K new/used speaker question?
ricred1- very resolved, transparent speaker. certainly not a warm speaker, but not cool either which is usually how I've found, say Magico. Vocals could be bedazzling at times as emotion really came through with utmost resolve. On the negative sid... 
$16K new/used speaker question?
Tom- I went through the same decision process recently in your price range (and demo'd most of the speakers mentioned) and just ordered Gibbon Xs. In contrast to others, I much preferred the X to the O96s and Devore definitely makes different soun... 
Tried Dynaudio Sapphires with Moon 330A + 330p - very disappointing
Would agree that Dyn/Sim has never been my favorite combo.  Pass X series or Krell FPB would be my recommendation. 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
Brooks Berdan is the SoCal dealer, Davey.  Let me know what you find out. 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
color me interested as well...the I-50 and I-35 have sounded superb to me in demos.  what is the mk2 MSRP?