

Responses from kalali

Speaker Width?
"Is that a bong?"Sure looks like it...Legal in CA, I guess. 
Preamps with separate L/R volume controls
Just trying to understand why limit the options if a balance control serves the same purpose.  
Preamps with separate L/R volume controls
Just out of curiosity, how's separate volume controls different from a balance control, functionally speaking? 
Tube amplifier suggestion for 101 dB speakers
I have a friend who drives his Klipsch Cornwalls using a pair of SET monoblocs with I think somewhere around 12wpc and they sound glorious and can handle loud classical orchestral music passages with ease in a relatively large room. They sound par... 
Bi wire off 4 and 8 ohm taps.
I’ve been running a biwire arrangement in my Vandersteens using the 4ohm tap for the bass and the 8ohm tap for the mid/high from my McIntosh amp. No issues. My suggestion is to experiment to see what sounds better, biwire using separate taps or th... 
Phono Pre-Amp stopped working out of no where
“I think the front end got fried by his connecting the inputs to a line level source”You mean like plugging a CD player into a phone preamp? Interesting. Must take a real knucklehead to even try something like that. 
Do preamps have a material affect on high level sources?
george, fair point. I should have said "pushing passive preamps" instead of "pushing his own passive preamps". But in your case that makes no difference. Either way, your remark to Ralph was completely unnecessary.   
DAC recommendation with tube preamp
If it were me, I’d forego the Node altogether and divide the budget between a better streamer paired with a good DAC. Perhaps a Lumin paired with a Chord. 
Do preamps have a material affect on high level sources?
"...thought up by active preamp makers to aid in their product sales."Funny to hear this from someone who floods these threads constantly pushing his own passive preamps. Just stick with technical inputs and leave out the editorials. 
A DAC that can make digital sound analog?
"Now that I can play back 7 1/2 tape in my system, I can hear what is lacking in both vinyl and digital."This statement begs the question what is used as the source for copying the content onto the reel. Anything except the original studio recordi... 
Looking for more transparency.
Just made an 8' pair of speaker cables using 8awg copper wires from Home Depot. Used some leftover Truflex, heat shrink, and locking bananas  I had and for < $50 total they look good and sound pretty decent. Let's see if they even get better as... 
Equipment break in question
"All things get better with time."Visited a nursing home lately? Quite a statement. 
new L100?
I still have the L40 that I purchased new back in 1977. Sounds like it was preceded by L46 in the eighties. I listen to mine on its side as well.  
Do preamps have a material affect on high level sources?
There are two ways to look at the question being asked, what you measure and what you hear. Different preamps DEFINITELY sound different in the same system. Whether they add coloration, distortion, or whatever else, is a matter of taste and what y... 
Tough getting my fingers around the (Mc)
This is what I used with mine...https://www.ebay.com/i/292865886523?chn=ps