

Responses from kalali

Equipment break in question
I don't intend to start a debate but in my (upgrade) experience, if a new piece of equipment did not sound better than the one it replaced right out of the box, it never improved enough to justify the upgrade no matter how long it was played. Cabl... 
Streamer/DAC combo or stand alone DAC with Node2?
^^^...as it should for 8x the price...How does the user interface compare to BlueOS? 
Replace Caps?
What you describe sounds like an oscillation in the audio chain, preamp or amp. Could be caused by cables/interconnects, maybe? But that aside, the only “sound signature” I’ve heard as an indication of marginal/old capacitors was in my old Adcom 5... 
Low Volume Listening - XLR Cables ??
“I can guarantee some XLR ARE BETTER at low level detail than others”Can you back up this “claim” with some data? Your guarantee has little value unless you’re willing to compensate the OP if he finds otherwise. 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
Based on my experience, Martin Logan speakers do qualify as “hard to drive” speakers except maybe the models with built-in subwoofers which are less hard to drive. Depending on the specific model, listening room size, type of music, and listening ... 
Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers
Congratulations. Your experience demonstrates the well known fact that there are many variables in play to predict an outcome with any degree of certainty. Instead of trying to find the shortcomings of the tube circuit, I think you should listen t... 
The Science of Cables
One thing that is missing in all these discussions is the esthetic value of the cable. It applies to speaker cables, interconnect cables, and power cords. In most other components in the system, people are willing to pay more, sometimes a lot more... 
Quick question on 12v power supply
"Usually overrating the power supply is safe, so if you find anything in the 0.3 to 1 A it will be fine. ""Looks like the ifi is 1.8 for the 12v I am getting""Perfect"Hmmm, 1.8 is much greater than 1 limit?? Just saying. As a a reference, I tried ... 
Best power amp for Martin Logan Expression 11a
How do I get a speaker with the bass slam of my el cheapo ear buds...?
Speaker placement and room treatment. 
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
kosst, as someone who hasn't even heard the speakers that are  subject of this thread you sure have a lot to say....Give it up before you dig yourself any deeper. Stick with the subjects that you're familiar with so folks can value your objective ... 
Confused State of affairs: CD player
"With a good DAC, a $100 player sounds the same as a $50,000 transport."Is that from personal experience or just like most of your other remarks based on theory? Also, what is a "good DAC"? 
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C
"...without a solid platform and proper execution of tilt back."Johnny, what degree of tilt back do you recommend to start with?   
Can someone tell me why Tidal MQA shows as 96Khz when using a non-MQA DAC?
Mine does the same. Never seen anything higher from Tidal Masters. I'm guessing that's their highest rate for the streaming content. 
Speaker Cables and Carpet
^^^^^ Great idea. OP, before going through the trouble and the cost of rearranging the cables, try connecting the speakers with similar cables but above the carpet and see if you hear a difference. I've been down a similar rabbit hole only to find...