

Responses from kalali

Budget Music Streamer
Speaking of a budget system, I’m running a Chromecast Audio through a Schiit Modi Multibit in one of my systems and I think the sound quality is pretty decent. I recently added an ifi ipurifier in the loop and it smoothed out some of the rough edg... 
I listened to the Gryphon Diablo today , what an experience !
"I think it might be time to consider seeking professional help."I'm afraid the window for that closed long time ago...RIP 
Do $2k speakers + DSP = $50k speakers?
A similar question to ask is can adding DSP to an existing system/room make $2K speakers sound like $12K speakers, all else being equal?  
What preamp creates the largest soundstage?
“...does anyone have experience with a preamp that produces a big soundstage?”I think most preamps in the $5K USD price range, especially if used, will throw a reasonably believable soundstage. Based on my experience having had a few different pre... 
Melody EL34 amp sudden drop in Volume and loud buzz.
I had a similar symptom in my tube integrated but only one channel and it was diagnosed as a bad output transformer. In your case it could be the power transformer affecting both channels. 
Totem Forest Signature v. Joseph Audio Profile
Zu Mission speaker cables are great value. Picked up a 10’ pair a couple of months ago and very happy with the build quality and the sonics. 
Why so many used focals?
kosst, you bring up some great points in your post but what you describe regarding the speakers’ impedance variations (as a function of frequency) is nothing unique to Focals. With a very few exceptions, majority of the cone driven speakers have s... 
Quad 2905
Lots of comedians on this site. We’d all be much better served if they join the Comedy Central site. 
MHDT or Border Patrol
Found this. Good comparison chart for MHDT DACs. Note the output specs.http://www.mhdtlab.com/mhdt%20dac%20families.htm 
MHDT or Border Patrol
"Orchid DAC is capable of up to 24bits/192kHz digital signal inputs yet remains driving legendary TDA1541A R-2R digital to analog output"Technically, TDA1541A is a 16-bit chip so while the DAC "accepts" 24/192 input the output is probably limited ... 
Usher's 718 BE monitor: Is it competitive with other monitors of the same vintage ?
"Also which speaker above may have the best bass for a monitor??"Totem Acoustic Mani 2 . Heard the Signature model and with a good stand it sounded better in bass than many floorstanders I have heard.  Not cheap.  
Are DAC's overpriced?
I learned that many of these so-called vintage chips only support 16/44.1 Redbook rates. Not saying they’re bad, just saying they were designed for CD players as opposed to support the current hi-rez content at higher rates such as 24/96 or 24/192... 
Simple and Effective Upgrade for Wall Wart Power Supplies
Thanks for the tip. So you basically daisychained the C7 power cord with the existing wall wart using various adapters? 
MHDT or Border Patrol
Great input, thanks. I’m also following the other thread about the Border Patrol DAC with great interest and try to weigh the options. The Orchid seems to be slightly more reasonably priced than the BP SE model and looks a little nicer too. 
The Border Patrol DAC - Maybe linearity in a DAC is bad ... Spitballing
Erik, it could be but I’m sure someone familiar with the recording process is definitely more qualified to address that (valid) question. The more I think about it the more the concept of “contrast” especially measured as a ratio, makes sense to m...