

Responses from kalali

SS preamps with two XLR inputs and at least four outputs [two of them XLR]
“The Mac C47 does meet the criteria, however it is out of my price range”Actually, if you look at the C47 carefully, it looks like the two pairs of the XLR outputs are shared with the two pairs of the RCA unbalanced outputs which seems to imply th... 
Need DAC/Streaming Advice
 "I have about 6000 CD’s and won’t live long enough to get them all ripped"Depending on what you have in your CD collection, you may find most of them already available in the Tidal catalog and can readily stream.  
Impedance match
I think the concerns around "impedance mismatch" are somewhat exaggerated for most "typical component purchasers". By far, most of these purchasers either buy an integrated amplifier/receiver or solid state separates where the (separate) preamp al... 
SS preamps with two XLR inputs and at least four outputs [two of them XLR]
The OP is looking for "at least four outputs". I personally haven’t seen any preamps, maybe except for home theatre processors, that meets that requirement. I think most of models recommended don’t either.Using splitters is an option. Or check the... 
Switching totems
Vandersteen VLR is supposedly designed for bookshelf applications. 
8 track CRUSHES CD,Vinyl and everything else!!!
We still need another thread for cassette crushes CD and vinyl...I think we already did the reel-to-reel crushing CD. There’s also other permutations such as vinyl ripped on NAS crushing the original LP, CD recorded on cassette, etc., etc. 
I listened to the Gryphon Diablo today , what an experience !
wcfeil, do you ever have anything useful to add to the conversation? Your posts are all whining or criticizing other people. If you have nothing to say, just stay off the threads and take your whining elsewhere.  
Using an ouboard DAC with SONY HAPZ1ES
There was a discussion earlier about using outbound DACs for DSD/SACD playback and my understanding was you need some specific connectivity arrangements to make it work. Don't remember all the details but should be easy to dig out.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
“To replicate this much with off the shelf gear, you’d have to spend the better part of $6,000.”You left something out...what is the CD player/DAC in comparison? 
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
Agreed. A $5,000 vinyl rig will sound better than a $500 CD player. Try a $5,000 CD player and report back.  
First DAC: Metrum-MHDT-Rega-or?
Congratulations. I've narrowed my choices down to the MHDT Orchid and Border Patrol SE. Will probably pull the trigger in the next couple of weeks. Please let us know how you like it.   
Looking for suggestions on best small footprint speaker under $4K
Small footprint means different thing to different people. Magnepans may (technically) have a "small" footprint per square inch but take up a lot of room and need a lot of room behind them to sound any good. Same with Vandersteens at least model 2... 
Power Cord Break In
Interesting....None of our frigs has IEC connector. Maybe very new ones do. 
I listened to the Gryphon Diablo today , what an experience !
"Correct, whether it’s what they sell, make or own, they push, it’s never with them what they don’t have an affiliation with."george, hmmm, interesting. You're the last person who should make this comment pushing your passive preamp at every occas... 
Buy 12ax7 tube
For new production tubes, this is a good reference. In my preamp, the EH gold pins sounded much better overall than Mullards.https://www.tubedepot.com/tube-comparison-tool