

Responses from kalali

Affordable alternativ to the PS Audio DirectStream DAC
"I have reported @audiotroy for trying to stuff a T2 down my throat .."Seriously? Are you a 2 year old? You should read some of the aftermarket fuse and power cord threads to build some character... 
Permanent 50hz
“Why would a 50 Hz tone be coming from the mid range driver?”Excellent question. 
how do you know if you need a dac ?
“how do you know if you need a dac”Answer: Only when you try an external DAC and the music sounds better. Make sure it’s returnable if it doesn’t. 
Harbeth 40.2 OR Spendor Classic 100 OR ??
"I own a pair of speakers with midrange drivers that are twice as expensive as these whole speakers,.."I'm intrigued. Midrange drivers costing $25K+ must be something very special. 
DIY speakers of solid/reclaimed wood?
Can a linear power supply be used for multiple devices?
“...when fed it's rated voltage, will consume no more current than specified, regardless of how much is available.”Thanks erik. This answers the question for me. My comment about the device getting too warm was related to a battery charging system... 
Can a linear power supply be used for multiple devices?
"So, if you have two 12V devices, and each needs 1 Amp, then your power supply needs to put out 12V at 2A or more."This topic comes up often and I'm still a little confused. You seem to imply that you can feed more current than what's spec'd on th... 
Tubes or stick with S/S
"Note that Dennis Had's amps are almost unobtainium"See the link posted above. Brand new 300B FireBottle SET for $2K, plus shipping. Looks like a nice piece. Audio Nirvana also has a 300B SET for $1595. Haven't heard either. 
Tubes or stick with S/S
I have a friend who has the older version of the Cornwalls and I’ve heard them extensively driven by a VTL IT-85 and First Watt J2 (using pre-out from VTL) and we both agreed the J2 sounded much better. Another option if you decide to stay with so... 
Vintage preamp/amp power cords
Thanks for all the input. My preference is to replace the cord with a new 2-wire higher quality replacement, hardwired. The cord entry point is pretty tightly close to one of the speaker terminals so adding/converting to an IEC inlet will necessit... 
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor - to grill or not to grill
As a buyer, I'd expect a lower price if the grill, strings or otherwise, is damaged. Depending on your selling/asking price you might be better off getting it fixed. 
Best pre-amp with a C-J Premier 11a Amp
CJ premier 16lLS has 26dB gain, relatively high but somewhat normal for CJ preamps. I wonder how much of the volume range you’re able to use before reaching ear splitting levels.By the way, Schiit Saga might be a good option @$350 as well given it... 
Magnepan's new LRS?
I think folks getting the LRS should consider Sound Anchor stands to lift them off the ground a few inches. I had them with my MMGi model and they made a positive difference by adding some rigidity to the frame as well as reducing floor reflection... 
Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers
With the exception of a very few, most active speakers are < $20K. Need more detail about the size of the listening space, type of music and how loud. Putting an ATC SCM 150ASL in a small room is pointless no matter what anyone says. 
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
“there are a number of reasons some audiophiles don’t get good results with certain tweaks. These reasons include - but are not limited to - failure to follow directions, problems or mistakes in the test system, a mediocre or insufficiently resolv...