
Responses from josh358

Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
I don't think you'd have any trouble fitting 3.7's in a 19 x 18 room. 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
The 3.7 already has a quasi ribbon woofer, they changed both the woofer and the midrange. The 20.1 already had a quasi-ribbon midrange, the 20.7 apparently has a quasi-ribbon woofer as well.Re 3.6 vs. 3.7, I think that's something people have to d... 
Anything better than 1.7 Maggies 
Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
Someone just sold, or tried to sell, a beautiful pair of factory rebuilt Tympani IVa's for $2000 something. "Maggies with bass," as a friend described the Tympanis -- they'll smoke even the 3.6's, if you have the room for them. Maybe he still has ... 
Impedance or sensitivity?
It's worth considering too that the impedance spec is nominal. Impedance can dip below it and rise above it at various frquencies, and can have varying combinations of resistance, capacitance, and inductance. So two speakers with the same impedanc... 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
I've heard excellent things about the W4S amp with the Maggies. Caveat being that I haven't heard the combo myself. Not sure about the pre. 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
Always a risk when you buy anything! Amazon, for example, inevitably releases a new Kindle a month after I buy one. Some tech companies, e.g., Intel, price new stuff at a premium to milk the early adopters. They also cripple microprocessors to for... 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
For those who have been asking, it seems that the 20.7's are now available for sale, and the price has been announced:Members of the Press,We apologize to our loyal customer base, but we had no choice.With the 20.7, we had to raise the price more ... 
Mini Maggies ?
They haven't given a specific figure, last this was being discussed (a while back) they were still waiting for reports from the field on where they might work outside the near field. You could try calling them and asking whether they think it will... 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
They could probably increase bass extension -- the Apogees, for example, had more extended bass than Magnepan speakers of the same size. But AFAIK, doing so would mean increasing plate separation and magnet strength so the fundamental resonance co... 
Mini Maggies ?
I think there have been threads. If not, try Google, I know there have been threads on other forums. General imressions seem to be --- Amazing on the desktop- They can be used in a smallish room but they're near-field monitors and aren't a replace... 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
Part of the problem I think is that "incremental" is a relative term. What's huge to one person is small to another. But I'd say in the case of the 3.7's, the typical reaction seems to be more in keeping with yours -- the improvement is more than ... 
Magnepan announces the 20.7
There's an awful lot of gushing in speaker reviews! Part of that I think is just that there are lot of good speakers out there these days. Part of it is that some reviewers have tin ears. :-) But that of course is just my personal explanation of w... 
Magnepan 3.6, 3.7 or Tannoy Westminister SE
At the price of the Tannoys, I think the competition isn't with the 3.6 or 3.7, but the new 20.7. 
Am I going to blow my Apogees with all this power?
What Stanwal said. Manufacturer's recommended power ratings are nominal, and you run more risk of damaging your speakers with a small amp than a large one, because of the high frequency content of clipped signals. 380 watts is a good size for 83 d...