

Responses from jond

RCA plugs that don't fit.
Thanks everyone! I figured it out. Boy, do I feel like an idiot. Oh well, it's not the first time. 
Looking or a Used player/Dac for under 2000.
If you're not using silver IC's try it, that alone should liven up yout system. 
Recs for Small Footprint Audiophile System
A Rega Planet 2000, a Bryston B60 integrated and a pair of small floorstanders like Meadowlark Kestrels and you have a compact and extremely musical system with surprising bass. 
Extended Warrenty???
Extended warranties are nothing but a retailers attempt to part you with more of your hard-earned money. Don't buy them unless you're extremely faint of heart. 
Help me spend 600
You should consider the Incognito rewire offered by the importer Lauerman Imports. I think it's $250 and it's supposed to make a huge difference. 
Feedback does not alway tell all
KP,I agree. There should also be a feedback response line, like the one they have on Ebay for people to respond to Negative feedback without leaving it for you. I've always acted honorably and have all positive feedback, but I'd quite frankly be a... 
What Budget turntable should I buy?
Find a used Rega Planar 3 with a nice cartridge. It should fit easily within your price range and is as good or better than any of the tables you've listed there. 
Audiophile oddities
You might want to consider smoking one of those little black rocks for an unbelievable musical high! 
Best Used DAC for 1000?
if you can find a Timbre TT1 Dac for $5-800, do it. It is one of the richest, most analog like DAC's out there but it doesn't shortchange you on detail. 
Help: Classe CAV75 problem?
My c-j premiere 11a does the say thing, though it is more of a dull thump. I think this is a not uncommon occurence with various amps regardless of design. 
Is this the norm?
Thanks for all the support guys. My outlook stays positive, it was just a bit disconcerting to have this happen twice on one item after dealing with so many cool people. But as you have said there is no actual loss, I'll just consider it a learnin... 
Attention Conrad Johnson Premier 11A owners
I'm using Sonus Faber Grand Piano's, the original version. I love the sound, warm but detailed with great extension at the frequency extremes. Soundstaging is also superb, extending well outside the speakers.Jon 
Upgrade CD player or wait
If you have a substantial amount invested in CD's it makes sense to upgrade to a good CD player. Chances are, even if one of the new formats catches on, still an iffy proposition, you won't repurchase every title you own on CD in the new format, p... 
Tube Question
Sdcampbell, Thanks for the advice that's a good idea. This is going to make me sound like an idiot but I don't know how to change the tubes, it didn't come with a manual and I can't figure out how to remove the top cover. I ordered a manual from A... 
Bryston B60 - Is it worth it?
Vlad, I owned a B-60 for 2 1/2 years. It performed flawlessly and never failed to sound great. The only reason I sold it was to get into tubes and even then I had planned to keep it for a second system until that was vetoed by my live in girlfrien...