

Responses from jond

Aesthetix Rhea vs. Io Signature
The latest issue of Stereophile has a review of the Rhea in which the author takes quite a bit of time comparing it to the Io. I think it was written by Paul Bolin, check it out. 
Gryphon gets no press, but is great.
FWIW, the Gryphon Sonata Allegro Preamp got a great review in a recent issue of HiFi+. I know that doesn't qualify as a US publication, but it's better than any of them and is slowly gaining ground. As to your question, having never heard a Grypho... 
K2 remasters?
Bomarc,Thanks for that link! They differentiate the remasters and they're cheaper then the local record store. I'll be ordering plenty more, thanks! 
Do you own the last amp you'll ever buy?
My girlfriend sure hopes so! ;-) 
Best sounding reggae on analog?
I have the MFSL versions of "Exodus" and "Catch A Fire" and I think they sound excellent. They shouldn't be too hard to find either. 
Review: Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition GEN. II Interconnect
Not very often, but occasionally, I can overreact. This appears to be one of those situations. My apologies to all involved. This is a free market and people can do what they want, it's just that sometimes the hype associated with cables drives me... 
Review: Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition GEN. II Interconnect
So you reviewed the original in May and here it is August and they're just now introducing Gen 2? What took them so long! I must say, I am a believer in high quality cables, but the marketing is getting a little ridiculous. Every few months there'... 
Is less than 24 bits worth it?
Ghostrider45 hit it right on the head. Redbook CD is only good for 16 bit resolution, not 24 bits. I believe higher bit dacs might give better linearity but that's about it. I am of course no expert, others might weigh in. FWIW, I'm listening to a... 
New Guy asking for help
Only you can know the anwers to these questions! Go out and listed to this, compare it to that, and don't let anyone tell you what you like but you. For the room, contact Rives. Good luck, you'll need it! 
I would think they plan to make these available in the US, if not why the full page ad in Stereophile? 
Pre for VTL tt-25's
How about a VTL 2.5? Should offer plenty of system synergy, and I've seen a number of them on Audiogon lately at really low prices. 
VTL ST-150 vs ARC VS110
Innersound has just come out with their own tube amp called the iTube. They've been advertising it in various mags. One would think it would pair nicely with their speakers but I've seen no reviews or feedback yet. 
Best speakers for low power tube amp
FWIW I like my Alon Lotus's that I'm driving with Cary 330B 11 watt monoblocs. Sensitivity is 91 db but the woofer has a 14 ohm impedance making it easy to drive. I can certainly hit uncomfortably loud levels in my 12x18 room. But as others have s... 
transport for Chord DAC64
Why not just use your Audio Research CD2 as a transport? It's an excellent CD player and I think would make a very good transport, particularly since the DAC is not very transport dependent. Whatever you do end up doing, best of luck. 
My Worst Nightmare
Warrenh,I might upgrade my power source if I wasn't switching amps every 5 minutes! Good news, new amps arrive today, the Chang seems fine :), and the AC is fixed! I guess there's something to be said for keeping a positive attitude!