

Responses from johnk

Why not horns?
Accurate?? By what definition? I test smaller designs in a anechoic chamber measure for accuracy this is how I define accurate true to signal able to produce musicality thats true to intention of artist. And yes why not make the sound quality's en... 
Why not horns?
Agree with gawdbless on this making bold all encompassing statements. Sad part of it all is the huge disservice these types due to audio by keeping people with limited experience from trying something new. Since they read the all this is that or t... 
Why not horns?
Herman I have 2 bass horns about. The massive one with 4-18in and and a large front loaded design. The 4-18 is 106db 1 watt 4 ohm min has a 16 ft path. My front loader is closer to the size of your front horn. But since hybrid in design its a impr... 
Why not horns?
Duke your loudspeaker design is interesting and I'm sure very well thought out but the name darn your as bad as me picking them ;) Cloud chaser..I was thinking of pimping your bi pole design if I do will name it the DL BP after you. I started this... 
Why not horns?
I'm running 1000 watts on bass horn 550 on mains. My horns do run fine on low power. But to think only low power is best for horns is wrong. Many audio designers I know run hi power on there horn systems. Doesn't mean I use all this power but the ... 
Speaker cabinet made of real wood
Layered wood construction on Sonus Faber. Like a ply but with thin layers of maple built up. Solid wood for me only in nacelles and baffles and even then best to use small parts glued together or over ply since solid woods not dimensionally stable... 
Why not horns?
Fast woofers they pass me in the slow lane. How many MPH can a fast woofer do anyway? And why do people still think of bass as fast or slow. For to me this doesn't describe any real aspect of sound quality. I have never heard fast or slow bass and... 
I owned the mk2 and mk3 if you can the mk3 is better sounding. Still very nice sound with mk2. A good amp if priced is fair. Runs warm as do all tube amps with power. 
16-ohm driver question
PHY KM30 FYI 16 ohm driver 70 ohm tweeter. 
Why not horns?
Duke I agree. That to large a midhorn to low a crossover point can cause problems. Why I'm now using a oval tractrix horn this allows proper integration of drivers the oval tractrix horns has solved a few problem of round tractrix maybe give one a... 
Why not horns?
I disagree with Duke, cant always agree ;) While complex steep slope designs do have there place. If driver alignments correct and transducers horns etc are a match in other aspects. Than a low parts count simple network can have a sonic advantage... 
longevity of good speakers
Ive got original Altecs from the early 60s working great. Pair of RCA from 1950s again fine condition. 
Why not horns?
Unsound please name the horns you've owned heard etc that are honky, screechy, shouty, have a cupped coloration 
Why not horns?
I feel that comments from the 60s 70s are still passed about as facts by many. Audiophiles have been told for decades that horns where not hi fidelity. Many audio reviewers from the past where anti horn. And much of there bias has been passed abou... 
Why not horns?
You do not need 35ft long horns. Herman I also have front loaded bass horn with 16ft horn path. You also have to consider the room if rooms right the bass horn can couple to floor ceiling to produce a even larger horn. I do this with all my horn d...