

Responses from johnk

Why not horns?
Go Altec pass up Klipsch. Why pay more for cheaper build poor design and lower performing transducers. To me Klipschs are responsible for much of the negatives tossed about by non horn owners. When folks not in the know think horn Klipsch is whats... 
Klipsch LaScallas vs Klipsch Cornwalls?
Altec why the Klipsch? 
Why not horns?
Thank you Weseixas. For taken the time to list the horn systems. In audio we should be happy if we find what we enjoy. No right or wrong. Take care and happy listening. 
Why not horns?
Weseixas since you say you've heard owned or have had much experience with the worlds greatest loudspeakers. Could you let me know brands of horns that you feel represented the best examples that you took the time to demo? You state [my decision i... 
Why not horns?
Unsound your mistaken ;) 
Why not horns?
Check out this link http://www.ndt-ed.org/EducationResources/CommunityCollege/Ultrasonics/Physics/wavepropagation.htm 
Why not horns?
loudspeakers transfer energy within the medium[air], does not transfer mass 
Why not horns?
Wesseixas this is as simple example as I can find http://www.bio-sound.com/images/Wave2D1Src.gif note the molecules are not going anywhere just the wave, all transducers do this. And if you looked into it I offer fullrange, ribbon and horn based s... 
Why not horns?
Unsound imaging issues? Never experienced any weakness in horn based systems to image. If well designed as any loudspeaker should be, horns image wonderfully and can be used in near field if designed for as many of the pro monitors are. I design m... 
Why not horns?
Macrojack, One thing your enjoying is the controlled dispersion of horns. This reduces room effects. Your also not moving air but exciting air molecules into motion just like a tidal wave the water from the event isn't traveling just the wave. 
Why not horns?
Large images are a result of recordings not loudspeaker design. Near all recording spaces, instruments etc are larger than reproducing loudspeakers. To me the worst offending loudspeaker designs in audio are bookshelf models they offend in many wa... 
Why not horns?
All you need to know is Altec. Pass right by Klipsch. Altec used better transducers design etc. Plus more affordable. Than Klipsch 
Why not horns?
Dunning-Kruger Effect seems many are suffering from this. You know who you are. 
Zaph link is very miss leading. $29 vifa domes no where near the performance of any ribbon of quality. What zaph is testing for means nothing to sound quality or end result. If you look at Zaph they offer most all loudspeakers with ribbons. 
Hahnzie said a compression driver is [typically a piezo driver] this is not true. Compression drivers are not piezo electric. They are domes.