

Responses from johnk

Martin logan CLS II Vs Magnepan 1.7
Theaudiotweak,Who needs 2 subs I have a bass horn that's 800lbs and near the size of a shed. And yes [Rrog]I've heard 1.7 and of maggies I have owned 2.7-3.6 as well as ML CLS 2Z and descents. A good friend runs 4 CLS 2Z inc my old pair and 4 Desc... 
Martin logan CLS II Vs Magnepan 1.7
1.7 will not provide anymore kick as you say over CLS 2. Maybe consider a subwoofer or bass system. Or another type of loudspeaker like dynamic or horn loaded. 
Variations in how your system sounds?
Allergies respiratory issues infections etc all effect hearing. 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
LaScala for life. I would run from this deal.... 
electrostats vs ribbon drivers
To my ears, electrostats mylar has that tzzzz sound. It sure can why I no longer use electrostatics. 
How to restore faded veneer due to sunlight?
Motorcycle spray polish for plastics etc. Keep in mind most finish is plastic coat but it works fine on french polish lacquer painted finish LP jackets etc. 
Speaker height vs ceiling height
Radiation patterns are effected by room boundaries. So radiation pattern should be considered when near ceiling etc. A dipole with figure 8 radiation would work quite well as would line arrays or horns designs. 
How to restore faded veneer due to sunlight?
Just move them as others said so the not faded areas are exposed to light. Cheery is very susceptible to sun shading or fading from UV light. We expose ours to it before shipping so they do not have as much issue. You can also use a UV protecting ... 
Speakers that are RAP music proof
Audiofeils only into Dixie land and Tiny Tim mono recordings. 
Strange Klipsch thing
Would be a sin of omission not a coloration or distortion. Rooms interact with radiation patterns and can interfere with the illusion of depth. Horns tend to have controlled radiation patterns this can cause image to be more in front of loudspeake... 
Strange Klipsch thing
No depth is a illusion. It doesn't exist its a trick of the senses like stereo. 
Strange Klipsch thing
Unsounds right.... hey post enough and you to can get lucky. 
What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...
Something that I look forward to listening to everyday, must have massive frequency range, powerful dynamics, low distortion, low Thermo compression, accurate as possible to signal, very low fatigue level. 
electrostats vs ribbon drivers
Why do you wrongly assume that all ribbons used in loudspeakers are Intentionally set up by designer to have more output over 3k? You said [i suppose i may be more sensitive to frequencies exceeding 3000 hz than many on these forums, which may be ... 
electrostats vs ribbon drivers
100% disagree shows poster is biased threads not looking for input just searching for validation of posters choice of electrostatics.