
Responses from joey_v

What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
Used AQ Oaks, that would fit the bill imo.   
Speaker Cable Suggestions
I love silver when done right. 
Mcintosh mc-601 or 1201 ?
I believe the difference is not just watts... But I believe the 601 is quad balanced while the 1201 is not. 
Synergistic Research Tungsten IC... any experience
I'm glad you like them Mike! 
How do I power my 800D(3)s
Good choice on the m600 classe.I had the same on my 802d3 for a bit.  It's enjoyable.i have since replaced it but I still miss it 
Which amps with B&W 800D's... Pass Labs or Classe?
I don't think the current Wilsons are bright or uninvolving... I think they sound quite good actually but that's just my opinion. 
Meitner MA1 V2 upgrade - worth it?
I didn't know this upgrade existed.  I will be contacting Emm to see if they can upgrade my DAC2x.  I have the latest firmware update, but not the latest hardware update.  I love it.  
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
Thank you for that comparison.  It's not every day I get to read real world thoughts on 2 great amps.   
Speaker recommendation for married couple
Interesting thread.Same thing happened here.  My wife wanted good sound from a speaker that was not hideous like my Bowers and Wilkins 802d3... So we ended up with walnut Sonus Faber Olympica 3 to match the furniture downstairs and I can tell you ... 
Audioquest WEL vs Wild Blue
I have WEL 8ft single-biwire speaker cables, and 2 WEL NRG power cords. I can tell you that even 1 WEL power cord is killer enough... I loaned it to my friend and he says... I cant go back. And he's a shunyata guy.  I'm just looking for 1 more WEL... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
He's a bad dealer, I don't even know why he's a dealer as he gives off that he is grumpy or that he's doing you a favor.  I recall one instance where I had him on the phone inquiring about some Pope 6sn7 tubes.  He didn't know that I had purchased... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
Kevin Deal is a jackas... I spoke to him on the phone and I would NEVER ever buy from him or recommend him to my friends or even enemies.   
Audioquest PSS cables vs latest nordost
The AQ Wel I have is not bright or edgy at all, but retains all the ambient detail.  I hve tried some "silver" plated IC that wasn't brihgt but at the expense of detail and ambience.... sounded closed in.  
B&W 803D2 for $4,500?
Yes no doubt 
the eternal cable question
I like AQ