
Responses from joey_v

Most transparent power amp
My Boulder is my ultimate  
Suggestion on XLR Cables
Audio quest for me 
Spearit Sound Inventory
Bought a set of classe M600 monoblocks from them.  Easy to work with. 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
@bonemanthanks for the mentioni will say that you are right about the room, it is the most difficult piece to attain and perfect.  My room is nowhere close but it is dedicated and I have no waf to deal with.  Maybe I can perfect the dimensions and... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
Definitely, I believe, the higher the priced component, the higher the expectations. I believe it because I’ve been there. That said, there is usually rationale to the pricing, usually ends up with better components and build... if the price diffe... 
Most transparent power amp
I had Rotel RB1590, Classe M600 monoblocks and Cary 211FE... Then I brought in the Boulder 2060 right when I had all of those amps in 1 room.Boulder 2060 transcends them all. 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
@whatjd Please explain. 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
People who are really up in rarified air don't take the time to post on audiogon.  ON the other hand, we (here on audiogon) are a group made of individuals who place importance on value at their respective price points/budgets.  
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
Another thing I want to bring up is there is typically a dissonance between system improvement and musical enjoyment.And this has financial ramifications also.Yes you can buy the best amp and you might have a better soundstage and imaging, but doe... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
Ok Ill bite. I don’t think my system is super high end, compared to others on Audio Aficionado, but I’ll give you insight into some of the pieces I have. Because this thread is asking about pricing, I will include prices as well. Speakers: BW 802D... 
Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.
Try a tube preamp.  Please. 
Wilson Sasha 2 Pre owned?
I would go with used Sasha 2. 
Cary SLP 05 - When To Replace Tubes?
I believe that is correct.  
PassLabs 350.8 versus Ayre MXR Twenty
Not heard the mxr 20 in my system.  Never heard pass 350.8 but heard xs300.i have the Boulder 2060 like cycles.  I understand what he means, turn up the volume and the Boulder expands the stage and moves objects towards you rather than just making... 
Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers
@mobiusmu Too bad you're not close to me, otherwise you could hear my 802d3 and Olympica 3.. I agree it is difficult to demo everything that you're interested in.  Been there and done that.