
Responses from joey_v

Bret D'Agostino passed away
Speaker cables for Martin Logan's
I have compared the Oak vs the WEL, but not on ML (though I used to own Summits).  PM me and we can discuss.   
Biggest difference between Audioquest power cables against Shunyata power cables?
I have AQ Wel PC (newest version), I will check to see if the terminals are hot to the touch. 
Paradigm Personas: A First Listen
I'm sure there's another speaker out there with beryllium mids and tweeters. 
My Review: Rotel RA1570 vs Rotel RA1592 Integrated Amplifiers, side by side.
Macs are nice for sure.  I would love to have a pair, but they are at a different price point. I am fine with Rotel in the secondary system.  My primary system amplifier obliterates any amp I have yet heard anyway, and that includes Mac 601.  I ha... 
My Review: Rotel RA1570 vs Rotel RA1592 Integrated Amplifiers, side by side.
@samac my my family enjoys the ease of use of the 1592... I like that it's a solid performer and a Swiss Army knife as well.My Boulder based system keeps me occupied with tweaks and such... The Sonus faber o3 and ra1592 is my simple pleasure maker.  
My Review: Rotel RA1570 vs Rotel RA1592 Integrated Amplifiers, side by side.
@samac thanks for the comment, I believe the 1590 stack would still be better as the digital, analog and power units on the 1592 share the same power supply whereas are separate x3 on the stack. 
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
To me I would welcome the possibility of buying the 3060.  I enjoy my 2060 immensely.  It is an awesome piece.  Musical powerful accurate.  The bass is just on point.  The staging is just right.  The extension to the treble is sweet and natural so... 
MX160 Stereo performance vs c2600 / c1100 dedicated stereo preamp....
I still don't get why you're willing to downgrade the performance from the current top preamp to an all in one for the same of a rack. This boggles my mind.Youre asking our advice?  The better preamp is the better unit. 
Anyone replace the batteries in their AudioQuest DBS packs?
How do you replace the battery packs?  Is it a AAA pack?  
Musical Fidelity M5Si vs Rotel 1592 Integrated
Currently I have both the RA1570 and the RA1592 at my home, I will be doing an a/b and will post my impressions.  My brother has the MF 6i integrated so I have some idea of MF gear. My main rig is far beyond any of those so it would be nice to be ... 
What is best for the speakers JBL Everest 6600? Mark Levinson 53 or Boulder 2060?
I have the Boulder 2060.  After I purchased it, I stopped looking around. Although I do not have your speakers - I have preferred the 2060 over a couple other super amps in my system, which I was lucky enough to own all 3 at once. Cary 211FE monob... 
How do I power my 800D(3)s
How did you like the classe 600 and the rotel 1590? 
Best way to power Sonus Faber Olympia III's
I'm using an integrated amp by Rotel (RA1592) with great results.  I also tried the O3 in my big system and it sounded stellar there.  
MX160 Stereo performance vs c2600 / c1100 dedicated stereo preamp....
I'm confused.  So you're willing to remove a near top of the line C1100 preamp for a processor?