
Responses from joey_v

Sonus Faber Liuto Monitor vs Cremona Auditor M
I think the Auditor M are great speakers.  A surprisingly good sounding monitor.  I like them more than the O1... Though I have the O3. 
XLR and DBS (Audioquest)
I have aq wel w DBS speaker cables and they are fantastic.  I would like to see what happens if I disconnect the DBS however... 
I do like Aq.  I have their speaker wire as well and have no desire to change. 
B&W D3 vs. Monitor Audio Platinum II
I enjoy my 802D3 so I am a fan.  I am not familiar with the MA Platinum so I cannot help you there. Best of luck 
Is Classe AUdio no longer???
No more delta amps and preamps... 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
I believe BW 802D3 is for me.  
B&W 805 Diamonds
Ive experienced them several times and compared them to similar and lower speakers - they sound great and coherent.  Pair it with a warm amp or preamp and you're golden.  Add a sub, and you could just very well be close to being done. Good speaker... 
What is your speaker ownership history since 1995?
Good thread. If anything, just for documentation. 1995 - Packard bell computer speakers. 2000 - Various computer speakers2004 and onwardsAxiom M22ti bookshelvesSonus Faber Concertino BookshelvesPolk LSi7 bookshelvesPolk LSi9 bookshelvesMartin Loga... 
$10K-15K short list?
BW 802d3 gets my vote. 
DCS Vivaldi stacks vs Esoteric Grandioso G1, D1, P1 stacks
CAPCongrats on such a fine system, definitely you are the bleeding edge of audio reproduction. I have not experienced the level of DACs you have in question, I am currently with Emm Labs stack, but nothing like yours. I would also consult with Iva... 
Synergistic Research Tungsten IC... any experience
Hey CAPAQ Sky I believe is 2 generations back. I believe it was replaced by the Niagara PSS and then the Wind PSS (or is it the Fire PSS). SOmeone correct me. I think the differences between the newest PSS Wind/Fire and the Sky would be perceptibl... 
Synergistic Research Tungsten IC... any experience
Hey CAPI'll get a hold of Ken. I've gone back to AQ, Mike bought my only pair of SR.  
Synergistic Research Tungsten IC... any experience
Can you be any more of a troll Pennsy? 
802d or 800d
I had the 802d2 then 802d3 and just took 800d3.I passed on Alexias for the 800d3 
802d or 800d
Let me get this straight...Same cost for either and that size room?No question.  800d.