
Responses from joey_v

Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
I used to be a non believer.  Then I tried it in my system and I believe. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
@bpoletti I'm not sure I agree with you regarding the silver = bright and brittle comment. My silver core cables do not sound brighter than the copper core counterparts, in fact, that was my initial fear but boy I was wrong.  Warmer and more analo... 
Cary Audio: Tube preamp (SLP-98) paired with (SA-200.2) solid state amplifier?
98 does not have the dimensionality of the 05 from my a/b and trials.  98 is the more tubey of the two however.  
TAD Reference loudspeakers-How good are they?
Heard the TAD ref1 mk1 several times, while an amazing speaker, for some reason I just could not jive with it.  I passed on it.  Probably a good thing because in hindsight, $37K for a used pair of speakers is kind of a lot of money.  
Wilson Audio Haters
@blackfly "I bet wilson audio will sell every one of those Wamms"Um... isn't that the point?  Or was this industry non-profit? 
Wilson Audio Haters
Omg... every time bo posts, it ruins the entire thread. It's like self-proclamation at its finest.  Just make your own thread.  I'm so tired of seeing your posts.  It's the same trufi crap every time.  It's so tiresome.  Thanks for ruining another... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Never was a cable believer... I used to chuckle seeing all these cable posts... then I tried AQ Oak, and been a believer ever since.  No reason for me to spend money on something that doesnt work.  But boy... it did. I've tried other cabling... mi... 
Acoustic Zen Sartori - my experience
I'm just stating my experience @mcgal .  I'm not telling anyone what to do with regards to cabling.My experience was that the difference between stock wiring and AZ Satori was a lot closer and more nuanced and minute, than the difference between t... 
Acoustic Zen Sartori - my experience
I like the oaks, it is very dimensional in terms of staging, focus is great too.  Tone etc will be a personal preference.  I find it is warm which I like.fwiw my friend and I just compared the oaks to his shunyata cirrus aeros which I think the ci... 
Acoustic Zen Sartori - my experience
@wlutke I use 8ft single-biwire WELs, the Oaks are the same.  My conclusion from my experience was that I would bypass the Satori and buy the Oaks instead.   
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
@kalali I doubt that you can lump all Boulder buyers into having large, inefficient speakers.  Better think twice before making sweeping statements, unless you're just looking to rile people up with Boulders.  I am taking your thread as face value... 
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
SOme people want it, some don't get it. I would want one in my system if I could... but I can't.  And you know what, I'm ok with that.  FWIW, I have their Boulder 2060.  
MIT Cables new "Articulation Control Console" $45.000 for speaker cables?
As much as I like cables, I don't know if I can spend $45 large on cables.  And I have nice ones too.  
How do I power my 800D(3)s
Bo has been banned from several forums, it's the same post over and over again.  He knows best and no one else.  He goes on tirades and tangents.blah blah blahso... OP which amp did you choose.