
Responses from joey_v

Waiting on 802D3 to arrive -- Will I need a sub?
You can read other people’s theories on the 802d3 or listen to one mans actual in-depth experience.if you are questioning the need for a sub with the 802d3, get the 800d3.the price delta is similar to 2 good subs.  And you won’t have to worry abou... 
PS Audio PWT and PWD MK II--recent acquisiton
Interesting discussionI am trying to figure out how the hdmi cable helped 
Waiting on 802D3 to arrive -- Will I need a sub?
I have the same speakers 802d3, I also had the 800d3 in the same room.the 800d3 absolutely did not need a sub.the 802d3 “might” need a sub depending on size of room. 
Can anyone recommend a great tube preamp that also has a headphone out?
Cary 05 
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
Rockport avior used or BW 802d3 or Amati Futura 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
 My tube preamp. Cary SLP05. 
Bi Wire vs Speaker Jumpers
I have 802d3i do single wire but with biwire ends.  I’d rather use the same cable for both bindings post pairs rather than a dissimilar jumper wire 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
@folkfreak I am glad to read your review.  Light on bass?  Sounds concerning to me.I have AS Wel PC x2 and I'm happy with them that I'm nk t selling it switching anytime soon 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
I dont mind if this were more of a review rather than a thread of self promotion.   
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
I am a fan of AQ... I have a full AQ loom. But even I cannot stand this thread... I'm out.   
Focal Kanta No.2 speakers - any thoughts? Also in comparison with Sonus Faber Olympica 3s?
I own the Olympica 3 in my second system.  Unless I get the opportunity to buy a Futura, that O3 isn’t ever leaving my family room. 
Rockport Atria or Avior in Houston to listen to ?
There’s a guy in audioaficionado that has Aviors in Houston.  I forget the name. 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
I think it’s all relative, we find joy in our respective systems and budgets. 
Changed amplifiers and need some feedback...
First thing I thought when I read the OP post, I thought Phase Issue.Can't believe Klaus would think that's how the music is intended to sound. Suuuure.... let's have the vocalist be an airy mess all over the sound stage.  Yeah.... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
@bar81 Because if if it were only people who spent more than 50k per component, this thread would be a barren desolate place.Even I don’t own a $50k component.