
Responses from jim_swantko

Linn is still very much into Activ speaker configurations. The cards are easily removed to convert the amp back to full-range operation. 
Sounds like the amp has an aktiv card installed. Aktiv cards are active crossovers - which are designed for specific linn speakers.Klout is a great amp. 
First cd purchase
Scorpions - Blackout. 
Processor input
I can attest to the fact that running a pre through the processor loop does improve the sound of the processor.. I saw the same thing with my LS-26 and Meridian 861. 
I just wanted to play a record
Thank God he didn't want to watch a movie! :) 
Parasound Halo - SimAudio Aurora or Bryston
I auditioned the JC-1's and honestly wasn't very impressed... I've never been a fan of Bryston either - both are too aggressive up top to my ear.Never heard the Sim so can't comment on that.Good luck. 
Velodyne Spl series vs. SVS Subs
Great pics Lienly!! Loved the chickens!!! :) 
ARC Ref3 Bal-SE button..what for?
Mitch - after looking at your system - I'm afraid my photo's would be quite boring in comparison!! :) 
ARC Ref3 Bal-SE button..what for?
From the LS26 owners maual:"BAL/SE: Select as appropriate for each input. For source components having balanced (XLR) connections to the LS26, select BAL. For single-ended (RCA) sources, select SE. Once selected for an input source, the setting is... 
Linn -- one generation ago
Ikemi source5103 processor/pre (used as a 2-channel pre)Klout amp5140 speakers (but upgrade the tweeters to Espek tweeters - TRUST ME ON THIS!!)Have fun! 
Help: Order of importance: Pre, Amp, DAC, speakers
Power Conditioners Suited to Digital Front End
I've had great results with Audio Magic conditioners on my source/pre's. 
Seeking hot running amps
I'd vote Pass and Parasound JC-1's.... both those puppies can easily heat a room. 
balanced/xlr vs. unbalanced/ single ended
I'm using a Meridian 861 and I too found a noticeable improvement with balanced cables over single ended. 
Mcintosh,Meridian,Anthem,Classe surround sound
You can also pick up a used Meridian 861 in this price-range... it too is upgradeable and my personal choice.