
Responses from jim_swantko

Von Schweikert VR5SE / Aerial 20T V2 ?
Good choice IMO. 
Mark Levinson No.512 CD Player---Opinions
LOL @ Bar81 
Aerial 10T vs B&W 802 Nautilus
What are you trying to improve over the 10T's? 
Mark Levinson No.512 CD Player---Opinions
I'm disappointed with the styling compared to ML's previous disk players. It now looks like every other box styled player. I am glad to see the Esoteric transport in there however. 
what ARC combo- Ref 1/Ref 110 or Ref 3/VT 100 MK3?
Ref 3/Ref 110. 
How is Audio Research's Retubing Services?
Who do you think would do a better job than the manufacturer of the product? 
"Best" of the "Universal" players ???.
I owned the Linn Unidisk 1.1 and thought it was very good but not quite as detailed as I needed for the rest of my system. I ended up with an Esoteric DV-50 and am very happy with it.I do not think it was nearly as well built as the Esoteric and d... 
class d
Jimmy -If you have access to a tubed pre give it a listen with the V2SE's. I've heard that the P-9 with the V2's can be too much of a good thing. IMO switching amps really need to be paired with a good tubed pre. 
In Whose Ears Do You Trust Most?
I trust my own and completely dis-trust anyone with the title "salesman". 
ARC LS26 power cords, interconnects, tweaks
I too use to own an LS26 and had great results with XLR audio magic cables.That being said it does take some time for it to fully open up so just keep breaking it in. 
Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?
I have never had a noise issue with my V2 SE's either. I will agree that power conditioning and lots of break in really make big differences with these amps. 
Preamp or Surround Processor for Stereo?
Go for a dedicated pre-amp. 
Linn klimax gear with Sonus Faber Cremona
I certainly would not characterize Linn as warm or romantic - quite the opposite in fact. 
theta casablanca 3 audiophile qlty stereo sound?
I have yet to hear a pre which comes anywhere close to top tier 2-channel pre's. I had a Meridian 861 and while phenomenal for a pre it was no match for my ARC LS26.If your focus is 2-channel get a dedicated pre-amp with passthrough and save yours... 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
The ARC is my player of choice if you are okay with redbook only.